The Gumball incident

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"Marshall get off me!" Fionna yelled, punching him in the face.

He let her go and grabbed his already bruising cheek, "Ow," he frowned. "Dude why'd you hit me?" He asked. She looked back at him angrily,

"Dude why'd you take me?!" She replied, answering his question with another.

He shrugged, "Cause I was bored." He smiled and floated into the air, trying to find a comfortable position to relax in.

"You can't just take people cause you're bored Marshall!" Fionna told him, "if you keep that up you'll turn out like the Ice Queen."

"Speaking of the Ice Queen," he began, ignoring her main statement. "Why was she chasing you?"

Fionna shrugged, "She was going on about me ice-blocking her again. I mean seriously dude what is with that. I don't even want any guy." She crossed her arms. Marshall frowned.

"Well," he began.

"Wait where's Cake?" Fionna butt-in, not letting him finish. "She was with me and the Queen but you turned up and had the red on your- ohmygosh RED!" She changed the topic quite suddenly.

"Marshall," she said, seriousness in her voice. "What were you eating before you took me?"

"Oh that?" He looked a little nervous. "It was just a candy person." He said.

Fionna stared back, obviously confused, and sickened.

"You EAT candy people?!" She said.

"Yeah well only the little ones." He smiled. She shook her head. "That's wrong man."

"Oh no!" He said, "not the kids, nah only the old ones."

She still starred.

"You know the ones that are too slow to run."

Fionna shook her head.

"Anyway!" He smiled, changing the topic. "Cake is out back with Lord Monochromicorn." He pointed to a door that lead into another room.

She wearily approached it and peaked in. Cake was playing her dulcimer and LM was singing silently along in morse code. "Best birthday EVEEEERRR!" Cake yelled, before continuing her serenade.

Fionna closed the door. "Why is Lord Monochromicorn here?" She asked, eyebrows furrowed.

"Oh him? Yeah he showed up a couple months back. He was going on about what I thought was Gumball falling down a hole or something. Yeah that or him dying."

Fionna gasped.

"But then I realised that I don't speak morse!" He smiled triumphantly. "So that couldn't have been it. LM has been chilling with me ever since."

Fionna grabbed Marshall by the shoulders and shook him. "But he did fall down a hole you idiot!" She yelled before letting go of him and sitting down, her head resting in her arms.

"Woah, I'm, um........ sorry?" He said, not really knowing what to do. "No it's okay you didn't do anything." Fionna said, wiping away tears.

"Dude are you crying?!" Marshall asked before immediately sitting next to her. "What am I supposed to do in these types of situations?" He thought aloud. " She didn't answer, she just leant on his shoulder and continued crying. "He's probably dead and it's all my fault."

Marshall looked at her. She was so close. He blushed slightly and looked away. "Don't be dumb." He said. "Bubba can't be dead. He's basically indestructible."

Fionna looked up at him. "You think so?"

"Yeah." He nodded, smiling. "We should go look for him."

She perked up, obviously ready and excited.

"But first you need to tell me what happened."

She sighed. "I guess I can't keep it in forever."

And then she began to explain:

"It all happened a few months ago. Cake and I were playing BMO when a loud screeching rang out from the forest beyond the Grass Lands. We ignored it at first but it kept on going and going. So eventually we went to go check it out.

When we got there it was Prince Gumball's Morrow, you know the one he uses for long trips? Yeah, it's wing was injured and it was leaning against a log panicking in its weird squawking language.

Cake and I approached it and it beckoned us away, motioning its head deeper into the forest. We hesitated but it urged us to go on. So we did.

A trail of gum slowly began to show up and I began to panic. What if he was seriously injured ya know?

The deeper we got the bigger the clumps of gum got.

Then we saw him, covered by shadows beneath a tree. He turned to us and half-smiled. He was slightly deformed, and he held his right elbow with his left hand and I knew he was hurt. I went to take a step towards him but he held up his good arm warning me not to. But I ignored him because I wanted to see if he was okay. I took a few steps towards him and the ground gave way, we both began to fall. Cake screamed my name and grabbed onto me just in time. Then we stretched, down and down, trying to grab hold of him, but he was falling faster than we were and the hole seemed to go on forever. Finally Cake couldn't stretch anymore, and we had no choice but to let him go. I tried to get free from Cake but her grip only got tighter. We stopped, and continued hanging there for a bit. Until a minute or so later, we heard a distant squash."

She began to cry again, "And until now I hadn't been outside ever since. He's gone man, and it's all my fault. If I had only listened to him...."

Marshall put his arm around her hesitantly.

"You don't know that he's actually gone," he said. "In fact we won't know anything for sure until we go check things out."

Fionna nodded, "yeah."

"Let's go." Marshall said. "But if he needs another whopping love hug I'm not doing it."

Fionna laughed, and again wiped away tears. "Okay." She smiled.

And with that thy agreed to go after the bubblegum prince.


Sorry it's not very long, I didn't have much time to work on it. I know it escalated fairly quickly but I didn't want It to get too boring you know? Anyway, the next chapter should be up in the next few hours or so (Yeah it's holidays so I have a lot of time on my hands).

Well, i'll see you when i see you :)


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