Disorientated confusion

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Months passed and the feelings between Fionna and Marshall only grew stronger. Seven months had passed since they day they confessed to each other and November was drawing nearer by the second.

"I wish we could pause time." Marshall said one morning. She was over at his house and they were watching a horror movie about a Dracula that would suck people's blood before killing them. "Yeah." Fionna agreed.

"It's just so annoying knowing that in a few months on some random day I'm just going to forget everything."

"Yeah." She repeated, this time more solemnly. "Is there anything we can actually do about it?" She turned to him.

He slowly shook his head. "I hope so. But it doesn't seem like it."

They stopped talking as the vampire on the tv approached a woman, his fangs out and ready to bite.

Fionna stood up and tuned off the tv. "Wanna go slay something?" She asked, hands on her hips. Marshall smiled and stood up as well before walking to Fionna. "Yes." He replied.

"Coolies." She hollered before climbing onto his back. She grabbed the umbrella from the hook just as they went outside and she opened it up to shade the vampire boy. They hunted down evil and helped a crazy wizard who lost his staff and after they retrieved it he went evil so they had to kill him and junk. Yeah, it was a pretty relaxing week, so was the following one and the one after that.

Until finally, November rose from the shadows, ready to claim its king.


"Fionna!" Marshall spoke as he walked through the dark forest. "Fionna? Where are you?" he crawled over a large rock, struggling to pull up his own weight. "I didn't mean it!" he whimpered, holding his injured elbow. Suddenly rustling rang out from the bushes, and Marshall's heart sank when the perpetrator showed themselves.

"Mum?" His eyebrows furrowed. "What are you doing? Where's Fionna?"

She walked toward him with tears in her eyes. "I had to do it." she spoke softly. "It's the only way you'll remember her." Marshall stood back so that he was leaning against the big rock. "What do you mean?" He pleaded.

She looked at the floor and cried again. "Fionna the human is gone."



I'm sorry I ended this here, I'm editing with the online wattpad which i am really not used to. In the next chapter things will be explained. It should be up by tonight. Hang in there.

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