Straightforward attacks

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Marshall felt it first. The negative vibrations ran through him as he felt the nervousness in the maid beside him. Fionna saw it though, her clenching something before wiping away a small drop of sweat that would have gone by unnoticed it she hadn't seen it.

She looked at Marshall who was already making eye contact. He nodded very slightly, letting her know that he'd seen it too, in a way.

But this peppermint maid isn't normal, so it would only be natural for her to be able to tell that the two teens could see past her facade. So she released the dagger, and walked back to the kitchen. "Are you two alright?" Gumball asked from across the table. "I notice that you look quite troubled." Marshall rolled his eyes and continued eating the pink-coloured cheesecake as Fionna sighed gently with relief. "We're fine." She said, the words coming out harsher than she meant. The gummy prince looked at them with slight confusion. "Alright then." He bows his head and filled his spoon with cake before eating it. Then he lifted his head slightly and managed to speak amongst his hesitation. "Marshall?" He spoke. The demon looked up with an annoyed expression. "What?" He spat. The gumball king swallowed some more cake. "Your mother called." He said. Marshall stopped chewing and swallowed quickly. "What did she say?" He asked, looking down at his plate.

The prince looked down at his and forced out the next few words. "Happy birthday."

With a sickening screech peppermint maid burst from the next room and ran towards Marshall, the dagger in her hand raised above her head. Fionna immediately stood to her feet and reached for her sword on the next table. The maid moved with delicate, quick steps towards Marshall who was hissing with anger.

Fionna attacked just in time to protect Marshall, but the sudden movement switched the concentration of the maid, and in her sudden reflex, she pierced Fionna with the demon blood dagger. Straight through the stomache.


Well, thats deep (haha, get it? Cause she got stabbed?) okay I'm sorry thats not funny I'm gonna go please don't kill me.

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