Fire demon

693 29 14

Just letting you know that the authors note after the story has information you need to know :)

"Hi guys." Flame Prince smiled and waved.

"Flame? What happened to you?" Fionna raised her voice. She was slightly worried, thinking that the crown had taken over.

"Oh," he chuckled -quite evilly might I add- "I challenged my mother for the key to the kingdom. And I won." He smiled, as if happy with himself. He stood up and walked down the steps leading from his throne to where the others were.

"Now we can be together Fionna." He said. "There's nobody to stop us."

She frowned, stepping away from him slightly. "But flame-"

"Marshall is just wasting your time." He smiled crazily. "There's nothing you can get out of a relationship with him." He reached out for her, ready to grab hold of her shoulders.

"The crown's given you poobrain." Fionna said. "The real Flame Prince would never do this."

He stopped and lowered his hands. "I AM the real flame Prince. And actually, it's Flame KING." He smirked.

Marshall stepped forward, protecting Fionna. "Watch out babe." He growled, his wolf-eyes turning blood-red, which was a slight defensive warning to the hot-headed-king.

Flame laughed. "You're so pathetic." He grabbed his stomach mockingly. "I can't believe you let a wimp like that protect you."

Marshall snarled. "Fionna," he began. "Please give me permission to beat the glob out of this guy."

"What?" FP laughed. "GO AHEAD! be my guest." He smiled, beckoning him forward.

Fionna nodded. "Since he technically started it. Beat some sense into him Marshall." She replied.

His fire fur glowed brighter and flames burst out all around him.

"Awww. Is the cute little puppy-dog getting angry?" FP teased.

"You can mock me all you want." Marshall sneered. "But don't you DARE lay a stinking finger on Fionna!"

"I DON'T CARE!" FP screamed. "She's spoiled treasure now that you've got her!" Then he summoned up all of his power. Soon he was a giant flame, as bright the sun. People began screaming and ran out of the room. Soon they were alone. Just Flame Prince, Marshall, Fionna and Gumball were left.

"He's unstable!" Gumball yelled, trying to overpower the loud screaming of the flames.

"If he gets any bigger he may cause a nuclear explosion!"

But Marshall wasn't listening. He was too focused on the scumbag in front of him.

"FIONNA'S THE BEST THING THIS UNIVERSE HAS EVER KNOWN!" Marshall yelled, summoning his demon powers. That and his new-fire powers combined, he became a new being.

"A fire demon." Gumball gasped. "They only exist in the NightO'Sphere!"

"Fionna." Marshall said. "Get somewhere safe." She nodded and took Gumball's arms before dragging him into a more protected section of the auditorium. "He's so cool." She whispered to Gumball, who laughed slightly. Before explaining that now was not the time to swoon over her boyfriend.

FP made the first move, devouring Marshall in flames. Then he smashed his palms together creating a sonic-bomb. It went straight to Marshall who swiftly moved out I the way. The bomb hit a pavilion in the background instead, turning it to rocks and junk.

"You missed." Marshall snickered.

FP frowned angrily. Then he made another move. He cupped his hands around his mouth and screamed loudly, causing the whole room shake and shudder. The roof began to all in, but Marshall simply grew bigger and caught the falling pieces of rock.

He then turned to FP. "You know you shouldn't have stupidly made me into a fire being." He said, doffing a fire-bullet that the prince had angrily thrown. "Cause fire can't hurt fire." He dodged another one. Then he ran to Flame and grabbed his hands, wresting him to the ground, getting on-top of him.

"But fire demons demolish flames." He smiled.

Flame cowered, trying to get away but Marshall simply applied more pressure. Then he held up his right arm and everyone watched as it transformed into molten lava, mixed with demon blood. It shaped itself into a sword, that glowed in the fire-light.

"Who's spoiled now?" He added before charging the sword straight through his firey-heart.

Flame prince yelled loudly and grabbed where the injury was. Then he shrunk down into his natural size, his flames dying slowly. His crown was on the floor beside him.

Marshall turned off his demon mode, and found that he was a vampire again. Fionna and Gumball went normal as well, their flames were no longer.

She ran up to Marshall and grabbed his arm, holding onto him tightly. "Flame?" She said cautiously, walking forward with the protection of her demon boyfriend.

"Stay away!" Flame prince held up his hands. "I'm sorry Fionna." He said, flames falling down his cheeks. "I didn't mean to do it. I just put on the crown, I didn't know it would happen."

"I know." She said, still holding Marshall.

"You need to leave before try to hurt you again." He forced out the words. Then he reached for the crown. "I'll kill you guys if you stay. But without the crown my flames will die out."

Marshall frowned. "Just like Betty." He mumbled.

"Just know," Flame began, "know that I will always love you." He clenched his own arm.

Fionna hardened her grip on Marshall and took a step back. "I know." She frowned. "But I have Marshall.... And I-" she took in a deep breath. "And I don't think of you in that way anymore."

He looked up and smiled weakly. "I know." He coughed.

"Will you be alright?" Gumball asked flame.

"Of course I will." He smirked. "Now run!"

After looking back one last time they obeyed him. They ran through the castle as the walls began to collapse and fire engulfed the halls. It was really difficult not to get hurt.

Marshall grabbed Fionna with one arm and Gumball with the other, lifting then into the air while the kingdom died away behind them.

Fionna looked back, wondering if FP was really going to be okay.

Then she heard a maniacal laugh ring out from the fire.


:'( that was frustrating for me to write cause its pretty sad.

Anyway, I will either upload one more before I go to sleep or I will try to fit one in tomorrow morning. I'm going in a trip to a farm for a week so I don't think I'll have wifi there. So I may have to leave the story hanging somewhere :/ should it be a cliffhanger or not? Haha

Well, i'll see you when i see you :)


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