An oasis inside a tree

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Marshall and Fionna had been dating for nearly two weeks, and they were happier than ever. He wasn't forgetting much, though he still didn't remember how to fly.

"Ready?" Fionna asked. They were going to the Candy Kingdom to see Prince Gumball, who had a mission for them.

"Eyup." Marshall smiled as he grabbed his axe- guitar and wrapped it round his waist. He had been teaching Fionna how to play, and funnily enough, she was a natural.

She had the sword that Marshall had given to her and slid it into the sheethe that Cake had sewn onto her backpack. "Let's go then."

They walked out of the treehouse but had to quickly run back inside because Marshall had forgotten his umbrella. "You need to be more careful man." She said handing it to him. "I don't wanna lose my first boyfriend so quickly."

He smiled and took it from her and then apologised while rubbing his head.

"I feel as though there was something I needed to tell you." He frowned. "But I don't remember what it was."

"That's okay." Fionna smiled taking his hand. "Let's see if Gumball still has any of that memory serum left from the Ice Queen test."

"Ice Queen?" Marshall asked. "Who's that?"

Fionna frowned. "We need to get you to Gumball quick."


"I don't know what's wrong with him." Gumball stood back and scratched his gummy head. "It's possible that he has a temporary amnesian sickness. But it doesn't seem like that's it."

Fionna frowned. "What about the memory serum, will that help?"

He hook his head. "We could try. But there's a slight possibility that it will make it worse."

Fionna sighed. "We can still try."

Gumball went to his drawers an rummaged around a bit. Then he got different potions and mixtures and added them together before stirring it around. Then he got a weird thing shaped kinda like and ice tray and poured the liquid into the different holes. Then he place the tray into a machine that whirred and made a lot of noise. When it beeped Gumball opened the machine and took out the tray that was now filled with pills. He put them into a container and gave it to Fionna.

"One a day should spark his memory." He smiled. She nodded and took one out, and then gave it to Marshall with a bit of water.

"I don't like swallowing pills." He frowned.

"Sorry Marshall but please, it's just to see if it works."

He sighed and took the pill and the water from her before widening his eyes.

"Fionna!" He yelled at her, grasping her shoulders and looking into her eyes, while his filled with tears. "Fionna I can't forget you! I can't! I'm forgetting Fionna, I'm forgetting everything but I don't want to!" He let go of her and sat back down.

"I don't want to rule the NightO'Sphere." He was sobbing, his breaths hard and heavy.

Fionna took a step back. "Wait, the NightO'Sphere?"

He nodded. "Mum came to visit me a couple weeks back. She told me that I was going to rule the NightO'Sphere and be crowned on my birthday. She said that ill forget everything from my life beforehand. Everything except evil and hatred."

He looked up, she was crying too now. Gumball was looking at the two with sad eyes.

"I don't want to forget you." Marshall stood up an hugged Fionna tightly. "I don't care what else I forget I just don't want I forget you!"

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