Extra part 3: Breakfast Prince

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I stood at the front gate of the Breakfast Kingdom with an annoyed frown spread across my face. It literally seemed as though the entire building was made from foods you would eat at breakfast time. Orange juice and apple juice lakes both flowed separetly next to each other around the castle like a big moat with a small section of land in the middle for people to cross on.The walls of the place were made from a strange, strong meaty substance. And the roof was made from waffles dripping in a coat of maple syrip.

"Why did Grammy even agree to me being here?" I sighed deeply and lifted my heavy bag before taking a few big steps to reach the big, brass door. The sun ahead was so hot that it slightly burned my skin,even with the big mexican-style hat on my head casting a giant shadow across my whole body. 

The door swung open before i had the chance to knock. A small maid made from a perfectly round pancake opened the door with a smile. Ugh. She mentioned that i was epected and showed me inside. The placed reeked of sugar. Although, the colour red wasnt lacking, there was plenty of food around the place i would enjoy eating. She first took me to the throne room where Breakfast King and Queen were sitting and having what seemed like a pleasant chat about something i didnt really care about. 

Pancake Maid excussed herself and introduced me to everyone else in the room before i awkwardly walked forward. After curtseying, i greeted him as politely as i could. I wasnt in the mood to smile, so i didnt. 

"Princess!" His wife got to her feet and came towards me. "How was your morning?" She asked with a smile. "Could have been better." I replied almost straight away with an unnoticeably fake laugh. "Well that's not nice to hear." She frowned, but that was soon replaced by another smile. "Hopefully the rest of the day is relaxing and pleasent for you." 

After Breakfast King greeted me and explained to me a few things, he asked Pancake Maid to go fetch his eldest son.

Zatai entered with a straight face. His white hair fell in front of his face in a fenzy of carved whipped cream. If you could even carve whipped cream. His skin was a slight yellow syrup colour and he had rashes of bacon making up his shirt and chocolate coloured pants. He was taller than i was, maybe he was a few years older, three at most. After he realized that someone else was in the room he looked over to me, a trace of curiosity remained. His sky-blue eyes stared straight into my blood-red ones before he quickly looked away. 

"Zatai, this is Maddie, Vampire princess of the NightO'Sphere." His father introduced me. Zatai remained motionless, though i was the only one who noticed a small shocked reaction when he said where i was from. "The two of you will be spending quite a lot of time together in the next month, so i want you to make her feel welcome.' The King continued. "Yes, Father." Zatai bowed. His hair covered the slight smile planted on his face. 

"I would also like you to show her the bedroom near yours and then spend some time getting to know eachother. After that you may do whatever you like until lunch, then the same before dinner." We both nodded. 

When we were sure he was finished, Zatai motioned me towards him and began to walk out of the room. I hurredly picked up my bag and went after him. 


"Thank Glob that's over." the white-haired boy flopped into the loung in my new room and took in a deep breath. "I hate acting formal." i was a little confused, but he didnt seem to notice. "You're weird." I stated before i put my things on the bed and began to unpack them into the drawers. "I know." He replied with a chuckle. "Anyway," He began. "Tell me about yourself." I took in a deep breath. 

"My name is Maddie-Lee Abadeer. I'm 11 years old. My parent's names are Fionna the human and Marshall-Lee Abadeer. My father grew up a Vampire and he fell in love with her when she was a human and eventually she fell in love with him too. Then, she died and got turned into a vampire so that she would live and she stopped him from getting his memory of her wiped then they were both turned back into humans. I have two older brothers, Usui and Enok, both 15 years old. Both human. i was born a Vampire so i was brought back to the NightO'Sphere to stay with my vampire Grandma. I did get to see my family once a week on weekends but then i got sent here so i dont get to see them for another month." I smiled as if it was nothing. Though i was trying to make him feel bad. 

He laughed. "haha, your fault for having a bad attitude for the last 12 months."

i didnt reply. Really? That's all he has to say?

"What about you?" I asked, not knowing what else to say. 

"My name is Zatai since my name hasnt formally been chnaged yet. i'm 13 years old. My parents were both friends with your parents before they were married but were brought together as a couple by your mother. Your father, however, wasnt really famous here since everyone thought he was some type of monster." 

I let out a quick laugh. He continued. 

"I was born on the night of the biggest storm ever recorded in Aah"s history. I almost died like, 3 times before the nurses finally got me in a safe state. 13 years later i meet the most beautiful girl i have ever laid eyes upon." 

I blushed but didnt say anything. Did he mean me? I mean, I didnt think i was very pretty, but he does have a weird point of view on things.

He chuckled before sitting up. "Wanna play some video games in the game room?"

I nodded fairly quickly. "Have you got any Legend of Zelda games?" I asked. He laughed again. "Are you kidding me? We have Twilight Princess, Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask and A Link Between Worlds." 

I gasped. "Oh my glob i absolutely love Twilight Princess, can we play that?"

"Sure, we can take turns." he smiled before walking over and holding the door open for me.

"After you, milady." He said in a prissy voice. 

"Why thankyou kind sir." I said in one as equally weird. Then we both laughed and quickly made our way to the games room. 

Maybe this wont be as bad as i thought?

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