Secrets unravelling

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"I can't believe it." Cake gasped. "That poor little flame head getting taken over by a stupid little crown."
Gumball nodded. "Yes, I'm not sure how many other crowns are out there, but they're dangerous."
Fionna and Marshall both sighed in agreement.
"Wait." Cake began. "Does this mean that we have a crown for the grasslands too?"
Gumball shrugged. "I guess so. But you guys aren't really a kingdom so you may not have one."
"I have an assumption."Marshall stated, raising his hand slightly.
"Go on." Fionna replied, slightly surprised.
"Perhaps, after the crowns were all split up, their separate powers each created a separate section of Aaa after the mushroom war.The fire kingdom has its crown, the ice kingdom does as well." He turned to Fionna. "You're the last human in Aaa. Maybe the reason why you don't have a crown is because the grasslands are the left over parts of the original world before Aaa. And the last human just happened to be in that section."
Gumball opened his mouth in awe. "That's a fairly spot on assumption Marshall man." Again with the nicknames.
"But wheres your kingdoms crown Gumball?" Cake wondered aloud.
Gumball twiddled his fingers, suddenly nervous. "Uhm. It's on my head."


"Wait what?" Fionna stood forward, voice shaky. "You cant have the crown, you be crazy!"
"I wasn't always a candy person!" He blurted out. "I was human once before. I found the crown and kept it. After a while my skin changed colour and my body changed into candy biomass." He sighed. "I sought refuge in a forest and his and everywhere around me eventually became the candy kingdom, shaped by the crown. And I've been this way for more than 1000 didn't make me cray but it did give me spectacular knowledge."
Everyone was silent.
"How is any of this even possible?!" Marshall asked frustrated.
"Who knows?" Fionna shrugged.
"There's something else I should tell you guys." They all looked to Gumball. "But I think it would be easier if i showed you.


They were back at the candy kingdom, and Gumball was pacing nervously as he thought about what to do. "Should I really tell him Peppermint maid?" He asked her quietly. They were in another room to the others who were waiting rather impatiently for the 'important' news.
"The sooner the better." She replied. "Better to get it off your chest now before he comes back to kill you in a few months time."
He turned away and sighed deeply. "I dont want any of this to happen." He said. "But it can't be helped. Lives are at risk."
He left the room and greeted the others politely with a fairly obvious fake smile.
"What's going on Gumwad?" Marshall crossed his arms. "Is it anything bad?" Cake asked.
Gumball nodded. "Follow me." He demanded softly.
Then he approached a big metal door and unlocked it with several different keys that he magically pulled out of his pockets.
He pushed the heavy doors open and they all walked inside. At the back of the room, incased in transparent ruby and drops of bat-blood, was a black crown covered in gold patterns.
"This is the head piece that I had been ordered to collect for the future king of the underworld." He dropped his eyes to the floor and turned to Marshall.
"It's the crown of the NightO'Sphere. And you will have to wear it Marshall."

Hehe, yeahhhh. Stuff is happening. And a lot more stuff is going to happen and it will be confusing and annoying. I have it all planned out in my head. Just asking, please don't hate me at some point :/
Well, i'll see you when i see you :)

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