"Pick one."

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Marshall dropped his head and tried to smile. "Yeah," he said. "You're a great friend too..."

She smiled and grabbed him by the had again, but he refused this time and pulled it away. She stared at him for a moment and frowned before she started to walk in front of him, back to Gumball.

When they got back they struggled to look through the window as Gumball was humming along quietly as he unplugged some cords from a small, replica of himself. "That should do it." He said, standing back and smiling. Then he looked over and saw Fionna and Marshall. "Oh howdy ho guys!" He smiled, lifting up his hand. "This is me!" He turned to his side and introduced, well, himself.

The Gumball replica stood up and gave a small bow before smiling. "Hello subjects." It said.

"Dude that's perfect." Fionna smiled.

"Course it is." Marshall mumbled.


"Nothing." He frowned.

She turned away and looked to the

the real Gumball. "Do you mind if we go now?" She asked politely. He looked back wondering what was wrong before answering. "Of course we can." Then he walked to the door and a few minutes later he exited through the castle gates. Marshall suggested that he make him big after they get out of the hole, so that it wouldn't be much of a struggle. Gumball agreed and allowed Marshall to place him into his pocket. Marshall held out his hand to Fionna and she took it hesitantly. Then he picked her up (bridal style. WHOOP WHOOP!) and began to float. She looked at him as he tried not to make eye contact.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

He bit down on his lip. "Let's talk about it later, when Pinky isn't around." He said quietly, so that only she could hear it. She nodded and remained quiet for the rest of the ascension.

"Here you go." Marshall gave Gumball a drop of the liquid from the vile and watched as he grew to his original size. "Great!" Gumball exclaimed.

"Now I shall go and see my normal-sized candy peeps!" He walked off leaving Marshal and Fionna alone.

"Do you wannah talk now?" She asked.

"Do you wannah come over?" He immediately answered. "We can talk there.....it's more comfortable."

"Yeah, sure." She said, following him silently back to his cave.

When they got there Marshall unlocked the front door and got her to sit down. "Want anything to eat?" He asked while rummaging through the fridge. "Sure, whaddya got?" She asked looking over to him. "I got a lota red stuff." He said slightly smiling. "Red stuff sounds great." She smiled. Soon after he brought over a plate with strawberries and candy on it.

"Pick one." He said, motioning towards the plate.

"What?" She asked.

"Pick a candy or a strawberry, it's not difficult." He stared at her, seriousness filled his eyes.

She turned to him and frowned. "Marshall what's this all about? Why have you suddenly started acting so distant."

"I thought that's what you wanted? He asked. "Was I wrong?" Hope filled his tone.

"What do you mean?" Fionna asked again. He sighed.

"Back in the forest when you friendzoned me. I just thought I should keep my distance a bit."

She looked shocked. "Friendzone? When did I friend zone you Marshall?"

"....back in the forest?" He asked, not really sure about anything anymore.

"Dude." Fionna began, "Just because I call you a friend doesn't mean that I don't want a relationship to develop."

"But you said that you don't like dating."

"Yeah Marshall, dating, not crushing or hanging out-" She stopped suddenly.

"Wait....." He spoke up. "Crushing? Who said anything about.......ohmyglob you're crushing on me!" He smiled pointing at her face which was bright pink. "Fionna the human fell for an old vampire dude!" He laughed. "This is gold!" He chuckled.

"Shut up." She frowned, turning away from him.

He sighed happily and leant back on the couch, then he lifted his arms in a big yawn before letting his left arm swiftly land around her shoulders. She froze and red covered her cheeks. He looked over and smirked.

"Wannah cuddle?" He said, raising his eyebrows. "No, gross." She replied with a stutter. He laughed and picked up the plate of food. "Pick." He said.

She sighed and reached towards a piece of candy before hesitating and choosing a strawberry instead. "Actually berries are much sweeter." She said with a wink. He laughed and took a berry as well before sucking the red from it.

"You know today's my birthday?" She said after a while.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked with wide eyes.

She began to laugh. "I actually forgot." She said, with a berry still in her mouth.

"Oh you forgot did you? Oh my gosh well lets just-" he quickly leant in a gave her a short kiss on the cheek which left her dazed and redder than ever.

"M-Marshall!" She stuttered.

"Just think of it as a late b-day prezzie." He winked before getting up off the couch.

"Wait what's happening?" She asked, not wanting him to leave.

"Well," he began, "I think it's time I took you home. Cake would be back by now and we wouldn't want her freaking out too much."

She nodded knowing that he was right.

He reached out his hand and she took it, then he picked her up again and floated out the door. And they cuddled until she got home.

She walked in the door happy as larry and walked up to Cake hugging her. "Girl what's wrong with you?" The feline asked giving her a strange look.

"Best birthday ever!" Fionna replied before climbing up to her room.

She approached the window and spotted Marshall not too far away headed home. He saw her and waved, and she waved back.

Then he blew her a kiss and she motioned herself stepping back an catching it. "Saving if for later." She said so that he could hear. He laughed and continued to float away happily.

She sighed and flopped down onto her bed. "Fionna why are you yelling?" Cake asked as she entered the room. "Better yet why are you in bed so early?"

(The face Cake pulls is kinda like this: O.o)

"I want tomorrow to come as soon as possible." Fionna smiled and began to quietly laugh to herself as she thought about the day's events. "That was so dumb." She whispered to herself while smiling. "What was that?" Cake asked as she was about to go downstairs again. "Oh nothing, don't worry." Fionna answered. "Goodnight."

And with that she rolled over and tried to go to sleep, too excited about what the next day might bring.


WOW I solved that quickly didn't I? Haha. Well I hope you liked it and I hope it wasn't solved too quickly :/ it's not my style to have main characters angry at each other for long periods of time :P

Well, i'll see you when i see you :)


Swords, Blood and BubblegumDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora