Annoying stranger

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Marshall sat alone in his dark room of his soon-to-be palace and simply stared at nothing. He felt like he hadn't slept in months and bags had already began to show under his eyes. "Fionna..." That was the only word he could manage to say. "Fionna..." He said again. He felt a tear build up in his left eye and allowed it to reach his cheek before whipping it away. Seconds later a split of light shone through the room as the door was slowly opened. "Hey there, you." A feminine voice said from behind. Marshall's eyes widened and he quickly turned his head to see who it was. "Fionna?!" He stared at them open-mouthed for a moment before he saw them. This chick had lighter hair than Fionna's. Though you couldn't see her face very well in the dark.

When he notice it wasn't her, he was totally uninterested. "Oh." He sighed before turning back to stare at the wall. "Well you're no fun." She giggled. Her laugh was so annoying and highpitched, almost forced. Unlike Fionna's who's was calming and came naturally. Her laugh was one of the fee thing to make Marshall laugh too. He heard footsteps draw near before arms wrapped around his chest for a hug. "You need to cheer up. You're so tense." She lifted her hands and began to massage his shoulders. Marshall hissed before pushing her off. "Get off me you idiot. Stop being so annoying or i'll rip you to shreds."

"Oh, poor Marshy's getting mad is he?" She laughed agaian. "Who the hell are you?" Marshall said between clenched teeth. He could just see her toothy-grin in the darkness and a shine in her (stupid) eyes.

"Im Ashely." She smiled. "And this is no way to treat your fiancé."


Sorry its so short! But this is a pretty important part of it all. The end is drawing nearer guys, less than 7 more uploads to go i reckon. Thanks for sticking around

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