Extra part 2: Punishments

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So, that's where i come in. My name is Maddie-Lee Abadeer and i've just told you the story of how my parents got together and the events leading up to them bringing me into the world. Some parts i didnt remember that well, so i had to go get Grammy to tell me a few things since she was a major part in it. 

I get to visit Mum and Dad once a week, on saturdays. Eleven years have passed since the day my father, Marshall, brought me here, to the NightO'Sphere so that his mother could take care of me. I wish i got to spend more time with them, but it just doesnt work that way. Although, it would be nice if something interesting happened for a change. All i get to do here is learn how to hunt, and how to become the next ruler of the NightO'Sphere. Yeah, sounds like total bunk, right? But im okay with it. Mum and Dad were a bit hard to convince on the matter but it's what i want to do. So..... yeah, haha.
Now that you know how i come into the picture, i think it's time i changed the stories perspective a little, about me. 


I tried hard not to laugh as i sat at the table across from Grammy. There was an important dinner going on tonight for a few of the neighbouring kingdoms. Everyone had left, except one man. i couldnt stay serious with Grammy across from me trying so hard to seem interested in the Breakfast King's story about his son eating his first batch of bacon pancakes. "He said that they were the best thing he had ever tasted!" the man exclaimed happily. "So it was only natural that i added some syrup to make it taste even better. 

Grammy looked like she wanted to vomit, but then she looked in my direction and saw my smiling face, before straightening up and smiling herself. "that sounds wonderful.' she replied warmly. then she turned to me again. "My grandaughter Maddie may enjoy spending time with your son," She tried to hold back her chuckle. "she needs the comapny of a child her age." 

my mouth widened as i realised what she was doing. "No thanks," I raised my voice as i lifted a spoonful of tomato and noodle soup to my mouth. Breakfast King laughed and turned to me. "Well, Maddie, Zatai really isnt a bad boy to hang around. He has a very relaxing aura about him." 

"Aura?" i scoffed before turning to Grammy, she shook her head and i turned back the the cheery king. Then, i picked up my bowl, skulled the rest of the soup as quickly as i could, then looked up at his confused expression. "No thanks." I repeated before excusing myself form the table and making my way to my room on the next floor. 

I could hear her asking for his forgiveness dowstairs and repetetivly apologising on my behalf. His same cheery laugh rang back in reply and he suggested that they went outside to talk for a bit.
They probably knew that i could hear them. 

I slumped down on my bed and looked up at the roof before spotting my black and purple axe-guitar leaning near my desk. Dad had gotten it for me last year on my 10th birthday. I loved it so much, but i just didnt have enough time to learn how to play it. I walked over to it slowly and picked it up after a moment of starring at at. I then went back to the bed and sat it on my lap. It was left handed, like Dad's. 

I frowned and used a pick to strum a few of the chords. The disgusting off-tune noise erupted throughhout the room as if they were being passed through an amp. I quickly blocked my ears. 
"Well that sucked." i laughed nervously before sighning deeply. "Will i ever learn how to play?" My voice had a tone of melencholy as i spoke. I placed the guitar back on its stand and made my way to the window. It was dark outisde so i was going to pass the time by chilling on the roof for a bit. 

as i floated up slowly i looked down and noticed that the Breakfast King had only just began to leave. "What the heck were they talking about?" I asked myself under my breath. 

As if knowing that i was on the roof, just before he walked out the gates her turned and waved to me with a stupid grin spread across his face. Idiot. 

I smiled mokingly before polking my tongue out at him. Like usual, he laughed and continued waving for a while as he walked out of the big, heavy gates inforn of the castle. "Why is he always so happy?" i asked myself with my arms crossed. "The breakfast Kingdom is a cheery place." Grammy showed up out of no where and drifted beside me before sitting down as well. 

I smiled and laughed as my shoulders bounced with ecah giggle. "You seemed to enjoy that." I said sarcastically. She threw back her head in a sigh and looked up and the stars. "You betcha." She smiled. "But he's not bad." 

After a moment of silence my eyes widened. "Do you like him?!" I exclaimed, grossed out by the thought of it being true. "What?" She turned to me and laughed. 'No of course not, darling. he's the same age as your father in human years." I sighed. That's a relief. 

"Speaking of your father," She began. I turned to her, eager to hear what he had to do with the sudden topic change. "He and I have been chatting, and he has some important things to talk about with you this weekend." I automatically became ecited and very eager to know what it is. "Do you know what it's about Grammy?" I asked with wide eyes. "Yes i do." She sighed. "It's concerning the attitude you've adopted in the past 12 months." 

All ecitement departed as i heard the words. "Oh." Even i know that my behavior hasnt been the most ideal for a princess to have. 

"is it bad?" I looked away form her. "What do you think?" She raised one eyebrow before standing up. She then reached my window and entered it before walking back inside. 

I while later i followed her in. She was speaking to someone on the phone. "Yes, i understand. No, she wont be happy will she?" Then she sighed, said goodbye to whoever it was and turned around to see me. "Change of plans." she bit her lip, as if she knew the net few words would disrupt me. 

"Pack your things," She began. "To improve your attitude your parents have decided that you will spend the next month in the aquaintance of the Breakfast King and Queen in their kingdom." 

I let out a faint gasp, but couldnt bring myself to reply with anything i thought was sensible to say to my own grandmother. 

"its a good thing youre not replying." She continued. "Because thats the last we ahve to talk about on that matter." and with that she left the room without saying another word.

Well, crap.

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