Candy for a second prince

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Marshall-Lee and Fionna continued to hold hands for a bit, but they had to stop as Gumball asked them to hold some stuff for him.

".....after that you add the sugar sulfur and the bicarbonated candy mass and BOOM!" He yelled, "You got yourself a small candy person for my small candy kingdom." He was smiling.

"What happens if you put this in instead of the sugar stuff?" Marshall asked, holding up a bottle of acidic liquid. "Oh, Marshall don't touch that, it'll melt your hands off!" He laughed, taking the bottle from Marshall.

"But to answer your question it will be something like another candy-zombie-apocalypse."

"Cool." Marshall smirked. "No," Fionna said. "You're not going to do that." He sighed and carried on holding stuff.

"Fionna can I please have the jar in your right hand?" Gumball asked, she nodded and gave him the jar. He poured a bit of it into a flask before swirling the mixture around a bit.

"And this should get you back to normal." He said, holding it out to them. "But what about you?" Fionna asked. "Me?" He replied. "I have a kingdom to look after. I can't leave my people."

"You mean like you left your other people back at the REAL Candy Kingdom?" Marshal asked, grabbing the flask. Gumball frowned, that's different, they've been coping just fine without me. Peppermint Maid has it all handled, she's keeping it all ship-shape." They stared at him. "I watch it all on my Watchodevice." He added, pulling something out from a drawer beside him. Sure enough, the Candy kingdom was on its screen and everyone was going about their daily bizz. Calm and collected.

"They still need their prince." Fionna said. "But my tiny people..." He began.

"Why don't you just make another clone of yourself?" Marshall asked. "You know like the one you made for that chick who was waiting to marry you for ages."

Fionna and Gumball were silent. "Marshall yore a genius." Gumball stated calmly as he began running round the room crazily, looking for thing and stuff."

"Wait," he paused. "We need more candy flesh." Fionna shrugged. "Go down to your pile and get some more." He shook his head. "It's all gone, I used the rest for the castle."

"How much do you need?" Marshall asked. "

"Well he only needs to be our size now, so that would be equivalent to a cup or so of sugar that hasn't been shrunk."

Marshall reached into the pocket of his hoody. "I have some hard candy from this party I went to last night." He said. "If I grow up again and make these big too will it be enough?"

"Oh Marshall," Fionna began, "I don't think you'll ever completely grow up." "Thats perfect Marshall Man!" Gumball exclaimed, ignoring Fionna's statement. Fionna smiled and Marhall smirked back, before opening a window and jumping out. Fionna freaked out for a second cause she forgot that he could float, but laughed stupidly as his head popped back up. "How does the flask stuff work?" He asked. "A sip should be fine." Gumball replied. "And after youve grown just put the candy in through the window." He added. Marshall nodded before floating to the ground below. Fionna watched from above.

Marshall took off the lid and took a small sip before placing the flask in his pocket. In a matter of seconds he had began to grow back to his original size. He smiled, satisfied and took the candy out from his pocket, placing it on the floor of science lab. He peeked in with one eye and tried to ignore the many candy people screaming from below.

A smile snuck into his face as an idea popped into his head. He reached in again and picked up Fionna, she was caught off guard and was completely defenceless.

"Marshall what are you doing?" She yelled while squirming in his giant hand. "Can't help it." He said. "You're just SO cute!"

"Don't say stuff like that!" She said. "It's weird.

"It's true though." he smiled.

"Yeah whatever."

"It is."


"Fionna, do you believe me when I say That you're cute?"

She shrugged. "Sure."

"Wrong answer." He said before putting her in his pocket.

"Marshal what are you doing?" He heard her muffled voice from within his material. "It smells in here!" She added.

"Don't be rude to your ride!" He scoffed, smiling.

"But seriously man what are you doing?" He asked.

"WE are going to go somewhere beautiful and I am going to explain to you just how much beautifuler you are compared to where ever it is we go."

She paused. "Beautifuler isn't a word."

"Oh shush little Fionna. Take a nap or something cause its going to take a LONG time finding somewhere that can at least make up for you gorgeous eyes."

She was silent again. This was weird, the only person to ever call her let alonei pretty was Cake, but that's different cause she's her sister.

"What about Gumball?' Fionna spoke up. "He should be done by the time we're back." Marshall replied. "He's a big boy Fionna, he can handle stuff."

She nodded and realised that he couldn't see her, "okay then." She said.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~haha, yeahhh I know, another short chapter. Sorry it's getting pretty boring but eh, if you like it you like it. Of you don't than I'm sorry! :) haha anyway, the next chapter should be pretty good, I wrote it myself! (Oh my gosh I'm sorry I'm weird)


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