The king of the fire kingdom

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Fionna punched a guard in the face as he struggled to shove her into a personal jail. He had to kick her leg to knock her over before succeeding.

"Let us go!" She screamed, her flame-body growing brighter. "We're not thieves!"

"Be quiet!" The guard yelled, kicking her again.

"DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH HER!" Marshall barked as he leapt towards the guard, biting his arm in the process. He screamed in reaction and threw Marshall against the wall of a cell, before locking it up.

"This whole room is flame and fire proof." The guard smirked. "You'll never get out."

"On the contrary." Gumball walked into a cell and closed his door himself, not wanting to get into a fight. "None of us are actually made of fire."

The guard laughed. "Yeah right." Then he left.

"Is the spell permanent?" Fionna turned to Gumball. "I'm not sure." He replied. "But lets hope not."


Flame prince rummaged through drawers and searched through cupboards. "Where is it?" He yelled in frustration.

He turned around and spotted a glass cabinet, fire-proof of course, which was locked by a small key. Inside was the Fire Kingdom's crown.

He gulped. He knew where the key would be. Of course it's not going to be easy, and it's definitely not going to be safe. But he had to do it, for Fionna.

He walked back ini the main auditorium of the castle, immediately drawing attention to himself. He took in a deep breath.

"Mother!" He said. "I need to talk to you.


"Marshall?" Fionna raised her voice to a whisper. "An you still go into demon mode?" He shook his head. "I dunno. But even if I can I don't have the energy, I hurt all over."

She sighed. "That's too bad." She frowned.

Marshall looked over and saw how beautiful and sad she looked.

"Well, trying wont do damage right?" He smile weakly. She looked at him and smiled back in a thankful kind of way.

He took in a deep breath through his doggy nose and closed his eyes, concentrating. Then he began to grow, he growled loudly as he did so.

Fionna gasped and leaned against the cold wall begin her. It reminded her if something, him transforming into his demon form. But what was it?

He was almost there. His groans filled the air and Gumball cheered him on, which didn't make him happier at all.

Finally he was as fully grown as a demon could be, and he grabbed hold of the thick metal bars before summoning up all of his strength to pull them apart enough so that he could fit through. After a minute or so it was good, and he shrinked back into the dog-form before stepping through, breathing for energy.

"Good boy! Now after the guard!" Gumball said, pointing towards the jail doors.

"I'm not your pet." Marshall growled in response.


"No!" Don't hurt me!" The guard yelled as Marshall had him pinned down, his sharp fangs only millimetres from his face.

"Why should I be nice to you when you were so mean to my girl?" Marshall questioned angrily. "I'm sorry!" The guard yelled. "I'll make it up to you! I-ill lead you out of the castle!"

"Sorry doesn't make up for what you did." Marshall replied, his eyes demanding action. And then he lunged.

"Yo, yo, yo I got us the key!" Marshall was back in the jail room struggling to talk as he held the key in his mouth. He freed Fionna first, and then Gumball. Who celebrated quietly.

"Can you walk?" Fionna asked him. "Barely." He replied.

"Do you mind if I carry you?" She asked quickly. "Since you look do cute and all as a wolf." She pinches her own cheek awkwardly while smiling.

She blushed through his fur. "S-sure." He stuttered.

Fionna took hold of him and walked out the door with Gumball. Then they ran.

"Back to the auditorium! I remember where to go from there!" Gumball ordered. "Okay." Fionna agreed between breaths.

As they reached the auditorium door to we're stopped by another set of guards who stopped them nervously.

"We were just about to collect you." One of them said. "The king demands your presence."

"The king?!" Marshall frowned. They looked t each other write walking through the big, heavy doors.

They stopped dead in their tracks when they reached the other side.

Who was once Flame Prince sat on the giant throne, the Kingdom's crown placed firmly on his head. And his mother? She was locked up in a room of glass, hanging from the ceiling.


Yeah next chapter comes out tomorrow, I'm at too tired to do another one tonight. Also, please forgive me for any misspellings because Im not going to go through it and double check right now. Maybe tomorrow I will.

Well, i'll see you when i see you :)


Swords, Blood and BubblegumOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora