A tiny Candy Kingdom and an angry Vampire King

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"Prince Gumball?!" Fionna exclaimed as the small prince smiled politely back at them. "Hello Fionna." He smiled walking toward them excitedly. "Oh and Marshall..... Hey dude." He said, trying to be cool, but failing. He always tried to act like 'one of the guys' it's sad that he can never really fit in because of his 'posh stature'.
Fionna stared at him, wide eyed and confused. "PG, what are you doing? And why are you so cute and tiny?" She knelt down and tapped him on the head, his now ever tinier crown lopsided and he struggled to put it back in place. "Cute?" Marshall scoffed, "How is he cute if he's small?" Fionna shrugged. "You'd be cuter if you were smaller." Marshall paused and then smirked, "So you already think I'm cute then aye?" He smiled. She blushed slightly and was about to respond before Gumball spoke up. "Follow me and all will be explained." He said, beckoning them away.

They walked a few meters into the cave and paused in astonishment as they witnessed what was before them. It was almost an exact replica of the Candy Kingdom, only a whole lot smaller. Gumball was the perfect size to fit right in, but it was still fairly big. "Weird..." Marshall stated.
"Come to my fake science lab and I will explain everything." Gumball said, walking towards the castle.
"Obvious problem." Fionna spoke up. "We're way bigger than you." Gumball starred at them emotionless as if he didn't realise the difference, before finally changing expressions. "Oh yes! How could I be so lacking in knowledge." He pulled something out of his pocket and threw it at Marshall's face.
"Ow." He said, frowning. "Dude what was that for-ohmyglob!" As he spoke a strange feeling erupted throughout his body as he got smaller and smaller until eventually he was the same size as Gumball.
"I'm a tiny man!" He proclaimed, throwing his arms Ito the air and running a few circles around Gumball.
"Hey Fionna," he said, "am I cuter now?" He winked and posed mid-air. She leaned in closer to him and smiled before saying, "No but you are more of an airhead. Then she flicked him. He laughed and got to his feet just as PG threw another 'thing' at Fionna, which barely hit her cheek.
"You throw like a girl." Marshall said.
"That's not nice!" Gumball frowned, unaware that he was simply teasing. Fionna tried to stay calm as she quickly shrunk to the other's size. She approached Marshall and Gumball. Marshall smiled and looked her in the eye, "you're right," he began. "You're cuter when you're small too." He chuckled and turned away laughing. She blushed but tried to ignore him as Gumball showed them the way.

"I didn't die when I fell down the hole," Gumball began.
"Obviously." Marshall added.
Gumball continued, "when Fionna and Cake couldn't save me I thought I would die too, but my landing was softened by a big pile of candy substance."
"That's what the squash was." Fionna said. "Though why the heck would a giant lump of candy flesh be down here?"
He continued, "I tried to get out of the hole but it was too big, and there was no way that i knew of apart from going up to escape. I eventually got lonely and used my scientific knowledge to create some candy people. But it was faulty and they ended up being born smaller than usual, much smaller. So I made many if them and use the remaining candy flesh to make them buildings and a castle, much like the one back in the real Candy Kingdom." He paused as they entered the kingdom.
"That doesn't explain why you're small though." Fionna said, slowly catching onto what he was trying to explain. "I'm small because my mini people needed a Prince, or a King in this matter."
"Pht." Marshall began, "you're not a king, I'm a king. And I'm a cooler king cause I'm a vampire king."
"Yes we know Marshall," Fionna replied, rolling her eyes, she had a harsh tone in her voice. He frowned and turned away. Gumball looked to Fionna and his expression explained that her statement wasn't very nice. She sighed and walked after him. "Marshall!BMarshall come back, you're an awesome vampire King and you know it!" She heard no reply.
"Ugh." She said, carrying on. "Dude I'm sorry! Come back and Gumball can keep talking about nerdy science stuff and we can pretend we care!"
Suddenly he appeared in front of her hanging upside down. You could see his angry expression even in his position.
"But of course you care." He said. "What?" Fionna asked.
He scoffed and flipped right-side-up before getting on his feet.
"You wanted so badly to find your 'bubblegum prince' and you act like a total flirt when you're with me! But as soon as he's here you treat me like I'm extra baggage!"
She paused, shocked and breathless.
"I don't flirt! And you're not extra baggage!" Her eyebrows were furrowed, an obvious sign that she was annoyed.
"Yes you do!" He answered, getting all up in her face (aw hell naw).
"You flirt around me and build me up thinking that maybe, just maybe a girl like you could like a mess like me! And then HE comes along and you move along." He paused, silent and looked away. "I guess it was just another stupid choice I'd made, liking you an all."
Fionna was speechless. Her face was getting red and a pink colour was finding its way into her cheeks. She reached for his hand but he pulled it away. She grabbed for it again and this time he didn't bother fighting it.
"Marshall look at me." He didn't. "Marshall!"
He turned his head slowly and looked we in the eyes, his were shining in the candlelight from beside them.
"I'm sorry." She said. "I know I act like that around Gumball but that's only because I'm comfortable around him." Marshall scoffed. She continued. "I'm comfortable around him because I know that nothing will ever happen between us and there's no possible way of me liking him or him liking me. He's a bro."
He looked slightly convinced.
"And just letting you know you're way more important to me than him. I mean who else teases me the way you do?" He smiled slightly and nodded before he began to walk back to PG.
Before he could get any further Fionna quickly grabbed hold of his other hand and pulled him in, kissing him on the cheek.
"That's proof." She said, smiling. He immediately blushed so hard that Fionna couldn't help but say something. "Naw!" She began, "You're even cuter when your small and flustered." He turned away so she wouldn't see him blushing. "Come on," he said quietly while smiling and pulling her along by the hand.

When they approached Gumball they were still holding hands.
"Did you guys have, smoochy time?" Gumball asked, smiling with his eyebrows raised. "Not quite," Fionna blushed. She went to let go of Marshall's hand but he held it tighter, urging her to hold him. She smiled and moved closer to him. Holding him tighter than ever.

Okay so this escalated faaaairly quickly, but it had to happen sooner than later right? The fanfiction isn't over quite yet. Fiolee will just be a lot more obvious from now :P
Well, i'll see you when i see you :)

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