Adventure's awaiting

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"First we need to get weapons." Marshall said. Fionna looked back at him, questioning. "We'll we don't know what else could be down there." She nodded understandingly.

He grabbed a jumper from beside him and put on the hoodie which would protect him from the sun. Then he put on converse on that covered his feet while he wore jeans and gloves.

"Are we going to bring Cake and LM?" She asked, motioning towards the room that they were in.

Marshall opened the door quietly and saw that they were still playing instruments and singing songs.

"Nah," he said, "I think they're having fun."

It didn't take long to get back to the treehouse. Fionna spent ages looking for the right weapon to take.

"Should I take my demon sword? Or my gold sword?"

Marshall shrugged, "I dunno, I just have the one axe-guitar."

She shrugged and dropped her gold sword to the floor. "Demon blood it is," she smiled. "Let's go slay some holes!"

Marshall chuckled and covered his mouth, "hehe, holes." He laughed as they climbed down the treehouse.

"So where did this happen again?" Marshall asked, "it was in the forest right?" Fionna nodded.

"Wait what happened to the morrow anyway?" He asked.

Fionna froze.

"Well, with all the commotion with PG I kinda..... forgot about the Morrow..." Marshall stared at her. "Where is it though?" She slowly shrugged. "I think it went back to the candy kingdom.."

"You think." Marshall added, then face palmed. They continued, talking about nonsense as they moved on, until finally try couldn't think about anything else to talk about.

"So..." Marshall began. "About this morning, when you said that you don't want a....guy.... What did you mean by that?" He was blushing, but was looking off into the distance so she wouldn't notice. She shrugged, "There's no hurry. The guy that I date or whatever is the guy that I want to be with, and no relationship is going to build if I rush into things." He nodded slowly. He hesitated before continuing, he didn't want it to be obvious. "But what would make you want to date someone?" He said, still looking away. She answered slowly, it was weird for Marshall to ask stuff like this.

"I guess I would have to have known them for a while, and I would rather us have the intention of being friends then being...together or whatever, that way our relationship will be one like best friends, but we'd also be, you know.... a couple... or something." Marshall chucked. She laughed and punched him on the arm lightly. "I know it's dumb but its the truth!" She said, smiling shyly.

She looked over to him an noticed that he was looking in the other direction. "The real question is why aren't you looking ahead of yourself?" She laughed before gabbing his face and turning it towards hers, he looked her straight in the eyes and his widened as he began to blush. "Dude let go!" He said, pushing her away and floating backwards, so he wouldn't have to look at her.

"Settle man I just want to see your beautiful face!" She laughed, obviously joking. He still remained turned, embarrassed.

"We're nearly there." Fionna stated, climbing over a log. "This is were the Morrow was." She said. "Yeah." Marshall said, returning to normal, "The Morrow that you lost." He chuckled. She smiled faulty.

He was already in the air so he didn't have to climb over heaps of things like Fionna had to.

"Ya right there?" He asked as he watched her struggle over something twice the size if her. "These weren't here last time I was here." She said, out if breath. "You haven't been here in months, there was a rabid wolf that escaped from the wastelands and it kinda went crazy."

"So close to home?" She said. "And I never even noticed." He frowned. Marshall looked at her still struggling, and scooped down to help her. Next thing she knew she was floating through the air just out if reach of the trees below. She looked up and Marshall was looking in front, dodging big trees or birds. "This seems easier right?" He smiled kindly. She agreed and laughed as the swung her legs around in the air.

As they reached a larger clearance up ahead, Marshall lowered her and let her land gracefully on the ground. "We HAVE to do that more often." She said, walking ahead. "Okay." He smiled happily. They walked further into the darkness an ld soon approached a big hole in the floor. "I guess that time has come sooner than later." He said before picking her up again. This time going down instead of up.

"It's dark." Fionna said after a while. "Darker than I remember."

"Well I guess Gumball would've been the main thing that you were focusing on." He replied. She nodded. True dat.

After ages of slowly descending, Marshall decide to speed up, until eventually they heard a scurrying from below. "We must be close to the ground." He said. And soon enough they had their feet firmly on the ground. "I can't see anything." Marshall said.

"Oh yeah I got something for that." Fionna said, rummaging through we backpack. She pulled out a rock-type-thing and squeezed it as it lit up. "I got this from a tree wizard a while back, forgot all about it." She said.

"Is that the same tree wizard that asked for most of your hair?" He asked, smirking. "No...." She replied silently.

After a bit of walking and only having the wizard-light to lead them, they reached a part of the cave (I'm calling it a cave because I don't want I call it a hole) that was dimly lit by scattered candles that would pop up every now and again.

(Oh my gosh corpse partyyyy, haha. I'm sorry I'm weird)

Fionna put the light away and decided that they would rely in the candles instead, they weren't as bright but you could still see what was in front of you. "What's that?" Marshall pointed up ahead and Fionna had to squint to see where he was pointing. It was small, and moving quickly in a hurried blur. As they got closer they noticed just how small it was. It was a light red colour, maybe pink. And it was dressed like a cute little doll. "Is that?" Marshall began. "Prince Gumball!" Fionna finished, her mouth wide and astonishment filled her tone as the small prince looked at the two and smiled politely.


Yeah I decided to finally add in some FioLee moments, haha. I'm pretty sure it's safe to say that Marshall obviously has some type of thing for Fionna though she seems oblivious to it all. And for PG, why is he tiny? Well you'll find out in the next chapter. Sorry it's so slow :/

Well, i'll see you when i see you :)


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