The Fire Kingdom

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Marshall, Fionna and Prince Gumball stood on the mountains over-looking the fire kingdom. The castle was right in the centre, glowing with flames and radiant in the light.

"He said he would meet us here at dawn." Fionna stated. "He shouldn't be too far.

"I'm curious to hear just how it was that you contacted our flamey-friend?" Gumball asked.

Fionna shrugged. "How we usually talk, smoke signals."

"Oh." He replied, expecting a more exciting answer.

Marshall looked bored. "Dude when is he going to get here? It's globbing hot!"

Just as he finished complaining when a huge ball of fire rolled in from their right, leaving singes in the grass around it. The ball then unraveled and revealed the fire-prince himself.

"FP!" Fionna smiled greeting him. "Fionna! How are you doin hot stuff?" Flame prince winked at her, hands in his warm pockets.

Marshall frowned. "Yeah she's recently started seeing someone." He said, putting an arm around her.

FP eyed him suspiciously. "Who's this?" He asked. Fionna turned to Gumball. "This is Prince Gumball, ruler of the Candy Kingdom-you know the place you almost burnt down-" she laughed, he did aswell. "And this is Marshall-Lee the Vampire King, and my boyfriend."

"Sup." Marshall poker faced.

"Anyway," she continued. "We got this fire crown off of the Jungle Prince and wondered if you would help us get into the Fire kingdom to return it to your mother?" Gumball held up the crown-containing-bag as she spoke.

Flame thought for a moment before agreeing. "Okay, but to be able to protect you guys from the heat ill need a spell, and my mum's been a little moody lately so she shouldn't know that your outsiders. I'm going to have to turn you into fire people."

Marshall's eyes widened. "What?"

"Okay then." Fionna nodded.

"Wait guys-"

"Go ahead, whatever it takes to get the crown back to its rightful home!" Gumball pronounced, stepping forward.

Marshall gave up. As if he could change the minds of these two. "Fine." He mumbled.

"Coolies." Flame said. Then he clapped his hands and rubbed them together until they got really hot. Then he walked over to Gumball and placed his hands on him while chanting in his mother-tongue.

Seconds later Gumball was transformed. His once bubblegum hair was now pink-fire, though his crown was still firmly on his head. His clothes were made or red flames that moved when he did.

"Oh my goodness!" He exclaimed. "My bod is hot!" Then he began to run around with his arms in the air, showing off his flames.

Next was Fionna, he did the whole hand thing and put his hands on her while chanting. Marshall kept a close eye on him while he did so incase he tried anything stupid. But when Fionna was changed, he couldn't focus on anything but her.

Her bunny-ears remained but her firey-yellow hair burned away most of the hat. Instead of her shirt and skirt she had a simple blue-flamed dress that had flames curling up on its edges.

"Woah." Marshall looked at her.

"What is it?" She asked. "Do I look okay?"

"No," he began. "You look beautiful."

He walked towards her and grabbed hold of her hand while smiling. "Thanks Marshall." She smiled, blushing. Then she leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. Smoke rose from were the kiss was planted. "Haha, ow." He laughed, grabbing his face.

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