"There's another one?"

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"Fionna watch out!" Marshall yelled as a monkey raced towards them. Fionna dodged it just in time and pierced it with her sword before it shrivelled up into nothing. "Thanks." She looked back to him.

They were standing back-to-back with each other, tens of wild monkeys surrounded them, ready to pounce at the given moment.

"Jungle Prince!" Fionna yelled into the trees. "Tell your monkeys to stand down or we will hurt them!"

A figure swung down from the trees. A whiff of smoke followed it."Trespassers!" He yelled pointing at them. His purple hair bounced slightly as he jumped from tree to tree.

"We're not trespassers!" Marshall yelled. "You know us dude! Marshall and Fionna?"

"Jungle Prince has no friends." He replied, placing a closed fist over his heart. "Jungle prince only has animals and wildness." He jumped down from a tree and walked towards them.

"It's the crown!" Fionna yelled. "It's controlling you! Jungle prince you have to take it off!"

The rabid boy shook his head. "Lies!" He yelled. "Foreigner tells lies!" Fire covered his fists as he entered a fit of rage.

Marshall turned to Fionna and quietened his voice. "You get the crown, i'll handle the monkeys." She nodded and tightened her grip on her sword. "If you don't give it to me." Fionna began. "I'll just have to take it from you!"

They split up, Fionna running towards the Prince and Marshall guarding her from behind, killing anything that posed as a risk.

"Get away!" Jungle Prince yelled, waving his hands as balls of fire escaped from them, going towards Fionna at full speed. She pulled out a fire shield from her back and held it in front of herself as the fire failed to harm her.

"Let it go JP." Fiona yelled as she approached him at full speed. He gasped and jumped up into the trees, moving with grace like a monkey, swinging from vine to vine. "Get away!" He yelled throwing backs another fire ball. It just missed Fionna as she flipped onto the branches chasing after him.

"My crown!" He said. "No one takes my crown!" He climbed higher into a tree only to find that she was right behind him.

Fionna looked down to Marshall. "Marshall!" She yelled. "Left flank!"

He listened to her warnings and turned to his left, deflecting a monkey just as it was about to come into contact with him.

"Get the crown!" He yelled after thanking her.

She looked back at JP to see that he was cowering, unable to get to the next branch. "Ugh!" He yelled in frustration. He was heating up so much that each branch he touched burned, and as the Prince of the jungle he could feel the tree's pain. "No!"

He was unable to escape.

This was her chance. Fionna jumped to his branch and pushed him into the giant branch in front him. He rebounded and came straight back to her. Than she punched him in the face and he fell to the ground, his crown falling off in the process.

The monkeys stopped and Marshall immediately raced towards the crown and put it in a bag.

"Fionna!" He yelled. "Got it!"

She jumped down from the branch and raced towards Marshall and the unconscious prince.

"Did I really knock him out?" She asked covering her mouth apologetically.

"Yes." Marshall laughed. "Now you get how hard you punch?" She shook her head whilst smiling.

"What are we going to do with monkey king?" Marshall asked.

"Let's just put him back in his palace, he may think that it was all a dream when he wakes up."

Marshall nodded and picked JP up and cast him over his shoulder.

After they took him back to his house and placed him in his hammock that was attached to two branches, they took the crown in the bag and left.


"This is definitely it." Gumball frowned as he carefully examine the crown.

"You mean there's another one?" Fionna asked. Gumball nodded. "If this isn't kept somewhere safe all of Aaa will go through tremendous peril.

"Wait, what is it exactly?" Marshall asked, slightly confused.

Fionna looked to him with a sad expression. "You remember what happened with Betty and when she found the magic tiara? And then she became the ice queen?"

Marshall nodded. "Of course."

"This is like that." Gumball explained. "Before the mushroom war there were many crowns of different seasons made that each had different powers."

"During the war the crowns were split up and set in different locations." Fionna continued. "There's one crown for each section of Aaa. The Ice Queen has one, and he crown is responsible for the snowy mountains and ice terraces in her section."

Marshall furrowed his eyebrows. "So this must be from the fire kingdom?" He asked. Gumball nodded. "That's our assumption yes."

Marshall sat down and sighed. "I can't believe there's another one." He closed his eyes. "After Betty went through so much pain and loss."

Everyone was silent.

"How did the Jungle prince even get this?" Fionna asked.

"I'm not sure," Gumball said. "but we have to get this back to the Fire Kingdom." Fionna nodded. "Yeah, if its not returned soon I'm not sure what will happen."

"But how are we going to get there? The fire people hate outsiders." Marshall pointed out.

Fionna thought for a moment. "I think I know a guy who can help." She answered with a smile.


There you gooooo. A bit of an action one for you, the next one may be aswell? I don't know, I just make them up as I go along! Haha. Anyway, hope you enjoyed this chapter! Hang tight for the next one :3

Well, i'll see you when i see you :)


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