"What is more beautiful that YOU!"

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By this point they had floated back up the hole, and a while passed of the endless feeling of floating, then walking, then floating, then walking, that Fionna couldn't help but fall asleep sooner rather than later. She woke every few minutes to Marshall humming or asking himself about some good places to go:
"What about Lumpy Space! Nah that'd make up for ONE eyeball but I need TWO eyeballs."
"Candy kingdom is too pink. And I'm telling you now little Fionna YOU are not a pink kind of girl."
"What about the graveyard?" Fionna spoke up, "That's gross and smelly."
"Tsk tsk little lady." Marshall shook his head. "Have you no confidence in yourself?"
"Not really," she replied. "I've never even had anyone call me beautiful, apart from Cake."
Marshall paused. He reached into his poket and grabbed hold of her before pulling her out. "What?" He asked. "Really? No one has told you how beautiful you are? No one at all?" She shook her head. "No one apart from Cake." She said again.
"And me." He added. "And you," she agreed, blushing.
"Dude that's wrong." He said, as he continued walking. "Whats so bad about that?" She asked him, sitting cross-legged.
"We'll if you have no confidence in your outer and inner beauty then how are you supposed to believe in yourself to do anything?" He asked. "I do what I can to protect those I care about." She said.
"Yeah but if you don't have any self worth, then you'd have almost no problem in sacrificing yourself for someone else." He said. "Yeah." She replied, "What's wrong with that?"
He shook his head and gently placed her on a branch on a tree before floating so that they were eye-to-eye.
"If you dont have any self worth and if you dont know just how important you are to other people than how is it a sacrifice?"
She tried to say something but he continued.
"Also, having problems realising your own self worth can also blind you when it comes to understanding why others care about you. If you go ahead and selfishly sacrifice yourself thinking that no one cares for somebody like yourself without actually knowing that they do, you're gonna cause a lot o pain, and pain sucks."
She was silent. "You sure know a lot about this." She said. "Yeah well I've had a lot of time to think about it." He replied.
"Hey," she began, wanting to change the subject. "When's your birthday," he didn't hesitate to answer. "I think it's sometime in November, though I'm not sure what date."
"Dude that auto be a pain. So you'd just wake up on the first day of December and be like: I'm 1001, wooh!" She threw her arms up in an example. He shook his head and laughed. "No actually i'll be turning 1000 this year." He said. "What? I thought you already were 1000?" She said. "When I use my age in stuff," he began, "I round it off so that I seem older. It's easier that way." She nodded, "Nkay then."

"But seriously." Marshall said. "What is more beautiful than YOU?!" He turned to her and winked. She blushed and looked away, shaking her head and smiling.
"Lumpy Space, is your mysteriousness. It so big and anything could be out there. It's beautiful but when you get to know it it's also strange and weird." He continued. "The Candy Kingdom is your kindness towards others. You can be soft like bubblegum, and sweet and enjoyable, it leaves a lovely taste in you mouth after an occasion, like you do.
"The graveyard represent you too -no not because you're gross and smelly-" Fionna laughed. He continued, "because although you are all of the above, you can also be really scary and unpredictable.
"Last but definitely not least, the jungle kingdom, it represents your beauty. It's foreign and still kinda scary but beautiful cause its like nothing anyone has ever seen before. It's not expensive or fake, it's natural and relaxing." She smiled.
"But the jungle also has a lot of natural traps that kill people and junk so don't get too proud." He said before chuckling.
"But none of that," he said. "None of it, not even all of it combined, not even the whole universe multiplied by its own incredible beauty," he looked into her eyes, "none of that can be compared to your beauty. Inside and out."
She smiled and laughed at the same time. "Can you give me some of that growing bizz cause I really wanna hug you now." He laughed and got it out of his jeans pocket. It had happened to grow when he did so he had to drip a drop if it into the lid and then give it to her to sip.
Within moments she was her normal height and size. She smiled and jumped into his arms. "You know," she began, "I don't want to date anyone, cause dating is weird and unnatural, but if I had to I would chose you. Your a great friend Marshal." And then she smiled, and Marshall tried not to cry.

Ouch, was that a friendzone?

So yeah this is where it gets confusing as to whether Fionna does love him back or whether she's denying it o whatever, but all will be well in time, all will be well. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, it's a bit of a boring roller coster at the moment. Up and down, then Up and down. Haha :p
Well, i'll see you when i see you :)

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