The End

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Fionna woke up in a hospital bed of the candy kingdom, prince Gumball standing above her with a smile. "You're awake." He said. She sat up slowly and rubbed her head before noticing the colour of her hand. "Im human again?" She gasped, looking around for Marshall. "Where is he?" She asked, filled with panic. Gumball laughed and stood away from the bed an towards a window. "Have a look yourself." He smiled, looking out. Fionna struggled to get up but once she did it was hard to hold back her tears at the sight of marshall. His green skin was gone along with his fangs. He wore a singlet and shorts and ran around the kingdom, laughing in the sun. He ran up to a candy person an shook their shoulders. "It doesn't burn!" He exclaimed. Then he ran to another. "I can stand in the sun!" Then he laughed and continued running around. "He's excited for dinner aswell. Theres a strict, no reds allowed, and he's keen to try all the colours he can.

Fionna smiled. "He's so happy." She stated. "Indeed." Gumball replied. "Though i think we should go and get him before he eats the whole town." He said as they watched him scoop some candy dirt into his mouth. "Agreed." She said, still smiling.


Fionna and Marshall were married a few months later, and not long after Fionna fell pregnant with two baby boys, completely human. Gumball delivered them, of course. They grew strong and healthy. And as they grew the third and final child arrived, this time a girl.

She was different to the others though. Maybe it had something to do with her pale skin and sharp fangs.

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