Extra Chapter 1: Vampire Princess

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The night was dark and eerie as the lightning struck a nearby tree. Marshall craddled his newborn child in his arms and ran as though he was being chased by a pack of hungry fire wolves. "We need to get her to your mother!" Cake was running beside him, panting frantically and taking longer steps then he was due to her stretchy powers. Marshall nodded then swallowed to salivate his dry mouth.

Before the rain got too heavy, they reached the old moss-filled cave that the ex-vampire king once called his home. "This should be a safe spot." He said before looking around frantically. "If i remember correctly, the entrance was around here somehwere....." both himself and cake scanned the area before finding the entrance he had mentioned. He handed the baby to Cake who held her with all cautiousness before he forced open the door with his super human strength. Even Though Marshall was now a human, many of the powers he had as a vampire remained with him even through the transformation.

"be careful, it's a bit slippery." He whispered. A flash of lightning luminated the cave as a giant clap of thunder shook through the air. The baby began to squirm. "We have to hurry, Marshall!" Cake walked quickly and carefully into the secret cave after Marshall and used the light from the occasional lightning strikes to see ahead of her. "Yes, i know!" He snapped back.

When they reached the end of the cave they found themselves infront of a glowing, red crystal wall. "Brisingr raudhr!"He exclaimed before red fire exploded from within the wall. Before he could take in another breath the crystal melted away to reveal another crystal substamnce that formed together to create a small door, big enough for cake and himself to fit through at seperate times. "You take her in, i'll keep watch." Cake handed the restless infant to her father as he replied silently with a single nod, before he opened the door, and entered with no hesitation.
The world was replaced with a whirr of red, black and white that spun together like a hypnotising device. Marshall gripped the baby tightly to stop the harsh force of the place to rip her from his arms as they both fell down, down, down. Pressure from the fall caused tears to slowly roll up his face as he clenched his teeth in frustration.
"This is where it gets difficult." He told himself as a faint black dot began to enlarge below him. After taking in a deep breath, he held her closer to his chest and braced for impact.
His legs burned as a shocking pain spread through them as he landed feet-first in amidst the black-charcoal floor. The annoying landing only caused Marshall to hold his baby girl closer as he remained in a cramped stance.
When he was sure it was safe, he pulled her away from him slowly only to see her asleep in his arms, her midnight-black hair covered bits of her small, pale face. He smiled faintly as he looked at her, then he saw her open mouth, revealing her baby fangs, and he realised the urgency of his actions.

Marshall looked up quickly as he herd the voice of his mother ahead of him. He was in the NightO'Sphere. Which is what he ha aimed to do.
"What are you doing here?" Her eyes laid upon the baby. "You have a baby?" Her eyes widened. "Actually," he bagan. "This is our third child, but we need your help."
"I would have been more comfortable if you had informed me of being a grandmother sooner, son."
He scoffed. "Would have been easier if you had come to visit for once."
"Fair enough. But what of the child?" She folded her arms in a formal way. Marshall took in a deep breath. "She's a vampire, the others are human. I don't know how this could happen after my change. We font even have the supplied to take are of her."
After a long pause, she finally replied.

"I'll take care of the child." She was starring at him as though what she was saying was normal as anything. Marshall's eyes widened in shock. "I just wanted your help, i don't want you to take her from me!" He help her tightly. "Yes, you want help. And this is the higher level of help i can offer."
He was silent.
"She wont survive in the grass lands. She'll become known as a monster that only goes out at night, and you know that from experience."
He didn't reply.
"You know I'm right, Marshall. I'll teach her how to live as a vampire. She'll still visit you guys. I wont be able to send her myself but i'll give her a personal maid for when i cant be with her." She took a step towards him, and instead of taking a step hack like he wanted to, he stayed put.
"........You're right." He said, barely a whisper.
She sighed, relived.
"What's her name?" She asked.
"Fionna and I chose the name Maddie." He replied, a smile in his voice. He looked down at his baby girl. "She looks so much like her." He said with slight tears. His mother nodded.
"You'll take care of her?" He looked up.
She nodded. "Like my own child.
He laughed. "Yeah, that went well."
She smiled. "Im different now, you know that." He nodded. "You have."
After a while of needed silenence, Marshall walked forward and held out Maddie, tears flowing down his face. "I love you." He said to her as his mother took her gently from his arms. Then he turned away.
"Marshall?" She spoke up suddenly. "If its alright, i would like to know the genders, ages and names of my other grandchildren?" He paused without turning around. "Two boys. Enok and Usui. Both 4 years old."
And with that, he walked back out the door. And after explaining the best he could to Cake, they went back to the grasslands.

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