Chapter 28

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Susie Harred POV
Quickly rushing home, I open my door and head inside the house. My parents weren't home and probably wouldn't be home for a couple more days. Their job involves going away a lot, sometimes they could be gone days or sometimes they could be gone weeks. Though they've never been gone longer than 4 weeks. I never really understood their jobs but it paid well and they enjoyed it, so it didn't really matter to me. I know my mother was an artist but as for my father I had no idea.
Rushing upstairs, I rummage around for my purse until I finally find it under a pile of clothes.
"There you are! What were you doing under there?"
I ask, as if the purse was going to magically answer my question and reply.
Holding it tight, I rush downstairs but instantly freeze to an unfamiliar sound. Huh?
Listening carefully, the noise started to sound more and more like a child crying.
In a panic, I quickly run to the kitchen to check the window. No child in the garden.
Making my way to my front door, I open it to see a small girl sitting in the road, her knees were scuffed and she had blood on her dress. Her eyes full of tears.
"Oh my goodness!"
I shriek, closing my door and running over to her; gently lifting her out of the road and letting her down onto the pavement.
"Are you alright sweetheart? What were you doing in the road?! What happened to your dress?"
I probably bombarded her with too many questions for her to handle in this state but I had to because if I was going to help her, I would need to know.
"Please miss! I... I lost my Mama! A dog, a dog chased me and, and, and... and now I'm lost!"
The girl cries and sobs as she tells me her story. The poor thing. She must be terrified.
"Don't worry sweetie. I'll help you find your mama."
"You.. you will?! Thank you!"
She smiles as she lunges forward, wrapping her tiny arms around my waist. She was just the cutest little thing. Such a sweet child.
"Can you remember which direction you came from?"
"Uh-huh! This way!"
She suddenly perked up, grabbing my hand and rushing off, pulling me with her.

BEN Drowned POV
It wasn't long before our food arrived, though we asked them to hold Susies lasagna in the kitchen, to keep it warm until she came back.
As we started eating, I noticed something I recognised outside the window. Being curious, I glance out. Only to almost choke on my food from shock. It was Sally. She was walking in the same direction that Susie went in order to go home. Sally notices my stare and gives me a playful grin with a small wave before running ahead.
Fuck.. that's not good..

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