Chapter 11

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"Just leave it right there. It'll get better." I said, placing an ice pack on Namjoon's forehead. He held the ice pack on his forehead.

I looked around the house, no one was around. "Where are your parents or Raejoon?" I asked. "Dad's on a business trip, mom went to hang out with her friends, she's gonna be back at the evening, and Raejoon is in her boyfriend's house until tomorrow."

"Damn, you are pretty much alone here." I said, and then looked at Namjoon, "So... what are we gonna do here?"

"I want to take you out to eat lunch but it's stoming outside." Namjoon pouted, "The weather sucks." "Nah, it doesn't. Going outside isn't really my thing. This weather is perfect." I said, "Let's binge watch a TV show or movie or something, while eating some food."

Namjoon let out a smile, "Sure."

We were in the kitchen, looking at the fridge. "Do you know how to cook?" Namjoon asked. "I only know how to eat, not how to cook." I said. I looked at Namjoon, who was rubbing the ice pack on his forehead, "Do you?" I asked him.

Namjoon looked at me, giving me an are-you-serious-I-can't-cook-to-save-my-life look. I let out an "...oh..." then looked away.

"Okay then let's buy some food."Namjoon said, walking towards the living room to get his phone. I sighed and followed him.

We were binge watching a Netflix series called The End of the F***ing World while waiting for our food to come. Namjoon was laying his side on the couch while I sat on the carpeted floor,  covered in a really comfortable blanket that oddly smells like Namjoon while I'm eating Nachos.

Soon enough, the doorbell rang.

"It's the food." I said, my mouth almost watering. Namjoon just looked at me while laughing, "Pause the show." He said. I got the remote and pressed the pause button as Namjoon got up from the sofa.

Namjoon went to open the door and pay for the food. He went back carrying two huge plastic bags filled with two huge bowls of jajjangmyeon, a bucket full of spicy fried chicken, and a 2 bottles of 1 liter rootbeer.

He placed the food on the small glass table in front of me, while I got my bowl of jajjangmyeon. Namjoon sat beside me and got a bowl of jajjangmyeon too. We opened the lid and inhaled the mouth-watering aroma of jajjangmyeon.

We opened the bucket of spicy fried chicken too, as we dig in our food. Namjoon went to play the video, as we were enjoying our food while watching.

We were engrossed in the show that we're watching so we didn't say a word while we just watched the show. So the characters James and Alyssa ran away from their homes, and are basically going against the law.

"Hey," Namjoon said, and then slurped on the noodles. "Hm?" I asked, eating a spicy chicken leg, my eyes not looking away from the TV screen.

"What if we go against people's expectations too, just like them?"Namjoon asked. "What do you mean? You're a psychopath that wants to kill me but we ran away from our homes and ended up killing another person instead, just like them?" I asked.

Namjoon let out a laugh, "Probably."

"Damn, then I should get out of here."I said, clipping a handful of jajjangmyeon noodles with my chopsticks, "But the food is too good and I'm busy watching this show, so I'm staying."

"I mean, what if we break the rules?"Namjoon asked. "I don't think I can do that. I'm not as hardcore as Alyssa." I laughed and placed the noodles in my mouth.

"We just don't know. Maybe you're more hardcore." Namjoon said, then stuffed noodles in his mouth.

Since the show has only 8 episodes, we finished watching the whole season without getting up from our seats since we were really caught up with the show. When the final episode was already finished, I just stared at the TV monitor with my jaw dropped while I also dropped a chicken bone in my now empty bowl of jajjangmyeon. Namjoon has the same facial expression as me.

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