Chapter 12

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I stayed up late reading all the manga, comic books, and novels that I borrowed from Namjoon. I can't lie, I love reading those. It makes me want to have my own superpowers too, or turn myself into an Iron and have mad technician skills to make some futuristic robots like Tony Stark or something.

Now I know why my dad doesn't make me read these. Especially these kind of comics.

I sighed as I finished the last page of the Iron Man comic and placed it on my table, on top of the books that I read hours ago.

I just finished reading all the books. I checked the time, it's already 2:45 AM. I removed my glasses from my eyes, placed my glasses on top of the Iron Man comic book, walked towards my bed, and crashed on it as I bounced back for a few times then I fell asleep immediately.

"Hey, Avenger girl." Haegi suddenly placed her arms around my shoulder. Hoseok went beside me, so I am sandwiched by this couple at the moment. "Namjoon is still not here." Hoseok said, looking around.

"Wow, Haegi. You decided to go to school early." I said. "Ofcourse. I'm avoiding detention for being late." Haegi said, "Now they record my attendace so if I'll be late again, it's going to affect my grades big time."

"What are you being afraid of? You're the top 4 of our class in terms of academics." Hoseok asked. "Agree."I said. "If your attendance will affect your place in the rankings then you'll just be in the 6th or something. 6th place is not that bad." Hoseok added.

Haegi narrowed her eyes at Hoseok, "Well your parents are the ones who are paying for my studies and basically everything. I should be on the top 5 of our class. I have to do well in my studies to show them that they're not just wasting theirmoney on me, brother."

"Oh come on, we're not siblings!" Hoseok said. "Your parents are basically my parents now. And we're dating. It's incest." Haegi said. "Hey!" Hoseok said, "My parents didn't adopt you!"

Me, being in the middle of the arguing couple, decided to step up and clear my throat, "I don't want to be in the middle of your argument. Literally." I said.

Hoseok and Haegi shut their mouths. I just laughed.

"Your arguments is usually about you two being siblings?"I asked. "It's just a joke."Haegi said, "Duh, Seo Haegi." Hoseok said. "Duh, Jung Hoseok." Haegi rolled her eyes.

I just cleared my throat, which made them shut up.

As we were walking towards the hallway, I saw Jihae a few meters away from me. We had a short eye contact but she immediately looked away, ignoring me as if she didn't even see me in the first place.

"Ugh, don't mind her. She's just in the whole new level of immature."Haegi said, making me face away from Jihae. "They're still not in good terms?" Hoseok asked.

"Duh. Isn't it obvious?" Haegi asked. She sighed as we entered our classroom, "Just don't let her mind you, Ms. Avenger." I nodded, "I'm not." Haegi smiled as she patted my shoulder, "Good." Then she went to her seat.

I was at my locker, arranging my stuff in there. Someone went beside me. I looked at that person, and saw Namjoon smiling down at me, his dimples are evident.


I arranged my glasses as an excuse of me looking away from him, "A-Ah.... Namjoon, what are you doing here?" I asked. "We have an IT club meeting today, right?"Namjoon asked. My mouth formed an "oh.." and then went on arranging the books in my locker.

"And then after that, we'll go book shopping. Just like what you said." Namjoon said. I let out a smile, "Yeah."

Someone approached Namjoon, but I didn't mind looking at the person. I cannot see that person since the cover of my locker is on the way, and Namjoon was standing beside that part.

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