The Dark

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Have you ever seen dark flicker within the light, crushing out life from inside, festering, until it cries with temptation binding you to its will
The very fabric of existence piercing through every hope, holding you down, stringing you up, breaking you apart, so you succumb to what the dark whispers
Taunting you with honeyed words

dance around my mind
Take a look inside
Tell me what you find
... Why don’t you dive deeper?

Into the abyss where the dark bleeds through my reality, taking a stranglehold around the possibility of a diluted life
This is where I lay, naked and abandoned, bruised and scarred bound by chains of innocence and lust, but they’re safe it’s all I know so don’t ever take them off
Drug my thoughts, Bring my fantasy alive
By starting the fight you can’t win
Take me hostage through force
Lie to my face, Tell me I’m fine
dare to look inside
you’re having fun, what did you find
Just stay here, Never leave me
Find my voice, find my worth
I don’t ever want to be alone
I love you
Don't leave me in the Dark

Solus in tenebris

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