Bitter Notes

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Follow these words until the End of our love
In sickness and in health
Forever and always
Until death do we part
So tell me girl what have you done

A Bitter Note played on an old piano
A Bitter shame while you lay in your bed
And I know you could look in to his eyes forever
And I know the way you look at me with hate

But don't you dare look at me like that
Don't you dare forget our love
I'll picture you leaving so don't ever come Back
And yet I still love you even when I don't mean it
I havent Hurt you yet
I havent shown you my wrathe
I'll still love you until the day I die
So its only fair you still love me too
And it only hurts because its you

The Bitter Notes played always Made me cry
I guess you Where expecting More
But I never expected you to lie

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