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Gaia has come crashing down
The titan's shoulders have grown old

Do you still need me?

Elysium... have I been cast out?
No matter,
my heaven can not exist without your presence.

So angel you are, but not of grace
You infect my heart
Take over my mind
Until I'm only ever thinking of you
Now that's all I ever do

Planted seed and taken root
You're in control
fault my words with honest actions
Love is it still?
A stupid question that we already know the answer to
Yet I still question,
It exists in my heart yes,
But now you question
A silly thing that plagues the mind
Must we question a feeling over honesty
And still you do so
Believe it is so
Loved you are, angel is you
So don't fly away with regret
Stay a little longer

Each of us a holder of lock and key
Dare we see behind this door
A new world where giants do not exist
One where we can't possibly be weighed down by uneven wings

A place where we are god
A concept of beauty
Mine only ever begins with you

To You From MeDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora