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My life is a shattered mirror that only ever caught your reflection

I’ve watched you glue it back together making a once broken image whole

Like a jigsaw it could only ever be completed if someone put in the time

seeing you stand in front of me, finished the picture

it had only ever been broken because my life had been absent of yours

Though sometimes a piece may fall you always know where it goes and how to put it back

I’ve watched you walk through my dark
You said that it could never touch me
If only I walked where you walked
Take steps in yours steps
So I smiled and said just lead the way
Taking your hand I never fell
And where ever we ended up I never felt out of place
As long as you’re there then I’m at home

I know you’ve felt the gravity of my heavy heart
Because I can feel yours when we kiss
Though that seems to be my cure
Show me that you love for me
Like the rose I hold for you

I’ve punished myself on the lie that we’ve been fixing ourselves just to die
Because now I’m so scared of that happening without you
So look in my eyes see all the dark things that I try to hide
But Don’t you dare be at all surprised
If anyone can save me
Then let it be you
I only want it to be

So long you kept me on the edge of my seat
Hoping to fall
But I was Hoping you’d fall into me
This one is about us
Everything you found from me
Every shout that broke the silence we didn’t dare cut
Every time you helped me breath
All the pain we held so we could bleed for each other
Just looking at you makes me short of breath
Just talking to you clears the mess from my head
I don’t just love you
You’ve taken the ash from my world and turned it into art
And maybe only you will understand what that means
You are everything good about me
So don’t you dare ever think that you’re not enough
That your shattered mind is too much
I’m here to stay
So i can fix you
Like you fixed me

To You From MeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz