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Fantasies sewn gently to our hearts, braced together with passion and nothing seems so right
Am I right to say that your stresses are edging you further to a more healing life?
Pushing you to potions of lust
You ensure your stresses are not mine, I have infinite words about why you're wrong, but no amount of phrases can express my love for you
I'm going nowhere
I'm staying
My heart breaks seeing your dry eyes
Your cold, empty eyes
However, I may be conceited, but they shine when you look at me, as mine do yours
Your societal normed love nest is being taken away one branch at a time by loveless hateful birds trapped in their ignorance of the beauty that is you
If you're willing, however, I am trying to fashion a new nest. Ours
An indescribable, indestructible home
A life where we can start our own
Our own societal normed love nest that no longer succumbs to the tainted definition of conformity
A thriving nature where time itself resets completely and your stresses no longer need such strong arms weighing you down because you and I both know the benefits. I want to achieve that for you and I
So let's start now

contritum domos

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