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The dark no longer looms over my world
I’ve obtained the means to banish it
Through the love of a single girl
I know her so well
And despite my pretension
You’re the only thing that’s infinitely interesting

At a time all I wanted was you to let me be,
But now I’m so thankful for the way you look at me
I want to be with you, at home
I’m so tired of feeling like this, so alone
Love I know we’ll end up just fine
Just please give me time
I know I’m a mess
And most people I love less
But with you it’s sheer
So just let me stay here
Away from my house, it’s hell
But with you I’m always happy, can’t you tell

The way I lived may have been unhealthy
Though it did keep out the pain
Leaving no one, but myself to blame
So it’s hard for me to say
That I don’t want you to go away
My life resting on a closed book
Broken family, broken self just bad luck
I don’t dare to open it for anyone
Unless you look inside then my story will be yours

There’s no real way to put this in words
Unlike angels, you break the writing rules
So the only thing I can do
Is tell you you’re beautiful
I only ever say that for you

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