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This one means A lot to me
It's about a little girl who showed me how to live in this world
This is my only way of saying thanks to her.
Unfortunately God took her away from me
Now i don't believe in heaven,
But she's the type of girl that heaven would have to be made for
And yet still the world wouldn't have paid her back.

Remember those days long ago
when each war was played out
Because Everything was too old
only because we where too young

When success could be measured
When we weren't too old,
Do you remember?

Now I'm a long way past,
But I never forgot
About The girl who didn't stay
Because of the boy who never smiled

I think of you more often than not
And how you are
What you're doing
And most of all...
Do you regret me
I know we where young
Stupid and wrong
Yet something about you stayed
Maybe just those acts of kindness
Or those beautiful jade eyes
You always hated them
And I still don't know why

Do you ever take that time to stop
Pause what you're doing
And give yourself time to think
Does your dad still drink?
Does your mum still cry?
And I'd rather not know,
But are you still wishing to die

Those days we where stupid
Or rather just ignorant
But I want to take the time to ask
Are you okay
And you might not want to hear it,
But I'm going to ask anyway
Because this time I need to pay
I can't leave the girl who never stayed

I want to let you know
I finally learned to smile
I finally found what I wanted,
But In the process
I lost you
I lost the arms that held me high
Because I know you already knew
those days dragged me away from you

Im only writing for you
I never believed in angels
Until I met you
I miss you more often now
I wish you could meet her (Ash)
You would have loved her too

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