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Can you tell where my heart is?
Something once there, but now lost
A feeling of such certainty, now so wrong

Your concept of beauty deludes me
My very same concept only ever begins with you

Time has started to slow
It's cold and frozen
so easily manipulated
The psychopathic urges control such actions
At least they did
Though Now they've somewhat given up
No longer defeated, after all

The truth is unrecognisable,
But that's only because I've never known it
Time has stopped all together
I'm the only one left moving
Diving into others minds
Trying to find the secrets they all leave behind

So where do you keep yours
Everybody has something to hide
As for me you ask?
They're kept in a box
Hidden from view
Deep in my misplaced heart
Far away from you

The company you keep me isn't for friendship
We both have something the other needs,
But tell me your secrets
So I can secrete my life from yours

To You From MeKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat