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I always ask how you feel
Not because i don't know,
But I just need to show you I care
I already know what the response is
I already know the expressions your face gives
And sometimes they hurt
Like the one you give when I leave,
But we both know that we need the work
And that time equals money
Not that we need it
Im fine with going broke
As long as i put in the effort
As long as you know I tried
That I fought this war
Charged In headfirst
And hoped

What I was hoping for I don't know
Some freedom?
Nothing is free
So that I don't buy
I won't believe it
Must we drop out of this race
And No longer be human
Reject a feeling
Just subdue it
Leave out the fundamentals?

I always ask how you feel
I already know the answer,
But sometimes you lie
Tell me that you're happy
Tell me that you're fine
And just smile
So let's talk straight
Instead of walking drunk down that line
You don't need me here anymore
I already know
That our love is no longer so

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