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Like many our story began with a single step,
Not to big,
Not to small,
But a step
One that left an impression on the dirt in my heart.
Imprinted on me was you
Your very weight of existence
Your entire life pressed onto mine
Like a stamp
I needed you to get to my next destination
To help me get through all of life's checkpoints and barriers
You have always been the only reason to keep on traveling down my road
Until im safe in your arms,
But After that single step
We ran
Not looking Back And only sprinting
There was no time to slow down
No time to even see where we had been
Maybe thats why we crashed
Because at some point
I took a single step Backwards
Whilst you kept on running

To You From MeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ