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Im still myself
And I am so lonely
Because I choose to be
So let me be
Just to be
thats all i should be
Im still here because im not finished
I still have words to speak
And More people to meet
For the first and Last time
But they'll stay with me
They wait for me to fly
While you're waiting just to die
But sometimes the world does love
Even when it feels like it doesnt
Just believe in it
Because it doesnt believe in you
So teach it how
Teach it not to break
Wrap it in love so it can throw it away
And then continue to love it
Until it gives up
Because it will love you Back
So leave it alone
Or get Lost in its oceans
Either way its love
And if you never try
Then it will never try
So show it what it needs
And love the world
Until it loves you
Until it breaks down
Until it cries

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