Bad Habits

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Inhaling toxic oxygen, seems facile and effortless
However, it rids you useless and grotesque
Swallowing acidic poison heals wounds
However, it revamps your alters
Falling in love with stainless steel leaves you tranquil
However, your intellect is left filled with disgrace and remorse

You’re forever tainted by this bliss
So why would you ever want to leave it?

Layers and layers of smoke fills my brain, when I awake, it suffocates my time
No level of false consciousness can bide any second, long enough to even touch a sense of my sanity, I’m nearly terminal
I’m now left deteriorating
My surroundings are blurred like smudged ink, unclear certainty drips down the walls of a place I once called home, or a safe bricked box
My memory is fading, it won’t last further than a moment, a moment I keep as my charm, my saviour
My sayings?
Their entwined, knotted with each other, perplexing hallucinations expands further than my own capacities, my capabilities
Unembodied voices used to murmur, however, they’re now blaring my insecurities and paranoid thoughts
How can I save myself?

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