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*Don't pry away my thoughts of you
Just grab ahold of my neck and take the air im breathing*

Gods to me never existed, but I heard you speak my name and I was amazed that you would even utter it,

I: your copycat, walking next to your shadow making sure each footstep I took matched the impression yours left on the ground

Until one day you look my way
Past the shadow you cast
Deemed worthy of being your champion
I raised my sword to protect, comfort, For Your safety and shelter

But I was binded with words far beyond the tounge of man
They Captivate my heart
Take me hostage
Brand the love I give you and call it their own

Always you enquire for my service
Bent on my knees i'll plead the throne
I beg for the acceptence I crave
Needing nothing More than that my path strays

I pray
To a god who shows her love
She is yet to speak my name
Thus my heart aches
For the girl who spoke my name

Once again I plead your throne
Be I guilty
At least im home

upon which the guilty crown is placed
Beside the captive heart
His Sword plunged deep into his chest
The pain still visible on his face
At Last
Your champion has returned to be put to rest

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