The First Angel

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I wake in a prison
Guarded by nocturnal monsters that pick me apart
Im so Fearful of the night
It drags me down
To a place I wont be able to escape

The beasts that guard my cell feed off my guilt and shame
One misplaced foot leads to a death sentence
The Euthanasia that kills only freedom
It Leaves me dreaming with hands tied

Though there is a light I can see
A single White dove visits my caged existence
She tells me stories of her life
And talks fondly of the outside world
Often she'll ask me to fly away with her and each time I try
But no feathers grow

Until one day the dove doesn't visit
Instead I find two white wings sewn to my Back
But I never flew away
the vision of freedom I see is one spent with my dove
So I stay in my cage
Waiting for her to return

Waiting for all eternity

expectantes aeternum

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