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Let me ask,
How many times do you think a boy can break?
Because I don’t know
I’m fearful of that day
Even though I’m still standing
The cracks in my heart are becoming visible
So don’t look
I don’t want you to see
The monster I’ll become
It’s a mandatory curse I bare
Fashioned to act beneath the senses
Trained to claw at my soul
Always leaving a bitter taste

I don’t want to act this way
Shadowed by perfection
Jealous of an angel

My head is a pandemonium
A house of mirrors that only catch your reflection
If I break the glass will you disappear?
I trust like a dog that’s been mistreated
Scared of the hand that feeds

So let me ask you...
how many times can a heart break?
My life, water and oil now mixed like time and tide
always confined by the dark
It fits like a long heavy chain, but it’s shape is too obscure
I've seen it hurt you
So I left it behind
Only to have it scar my entire being
Reminding me that it was waiting
No matter the distance between

The longer I stay away
The shorter the head start I get the next time I run
The thing inside of me
The monster pulling strings

So I beg of you...
Take me away from myself...
Just once smile at me shamelessly
And Often enough for me to feel safe
Steal every treasured thought I have
Cultivate them into your own
And let me go
Gutted and trashed

Once more I’ll ask...
How many more times will I have to break
Because I don’t want to act this way
Not anymore
Please Take me from myself

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