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Wake, From your paralysis
That sinking feeling on your chest
Wake, So that we may escape
Pack up your body
Leave those shackles behind

Dance, Your decay
All while wondering, If you’ll ever escape
Dance ,Through my sleep
So that I may find you
So alone and weak

Laugh, all your woe
Break free from yourselves, don’t worry at all
Laugh, to keep yourself warm
Sing us a song to push back the storm
Define life, call for your own

Cry, all your pain
Let tears run down, let them shape
Cry, so you may forget
Don’t remember the past, But don’t ever regret
Burn down your safety, lose all control

Run home
To a god who never dares to speak aloud
Run all the way home
Leave everything behind, Leave me to die
Pack up your body
Leave your shackles behind

de caritate non decurrunt,

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