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The Time here wont ever pass.
I fear I may get lost here forever,
Its a powerful addiction;
When You tangle my mind like tall grass.

No night skys Or The light of day.
Because clocks halt completely
Where ever you lay

The busy ignorant world just stops
it silently falls into the background like the people themselves
Except for the glistening stage you stand atop

Am I the only one to see this magic
Everyone else seems to ignore you
The beauty I see, so alone, so tragic
Harshly treated in a world so cruel
Neglected and scarred, yet I feel the fool

I thought that maybe I was asleep, I must have been dreaming
How could I possibly see something so beautiful, that others are blind to
Still you proudly stand, breaking the writing rules that give all meaning

Unlike an angel I could not possibly descirbe such grace
There Where cuts on her Arms that I needed not question
And crying eyes that formed a clear river down her face

But I knew in that first moment that I loved her,
She hadn't known a world that wasn't unfair
So I would be the one to show her there's still someone who cares

So I placed myself by her side and thats Where i'll stay
Forever in the presence of someone who needs to know thier worth
Somebody from whom I can't walk away

You Fill the flyleaf of my life's story
But rather now this is our story
Two halves of the same heart sewn Back together
A love that broke all category

*As for your history before, its Made you who you are
So don't be scared Or ashamed i've loved every part of you so far

My only regret was the first moment we met I should of acted More brashly,
I wish I Told you that I loved you as quick as you told me your name...

To You From MeWhere stories live. Discover now