The Selfish

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You and me should never need
But I know that I need you
I know I love you
So god forgive me for letting you down

my heart may never get over you
The way your eyes glimmer
Or how your always true
Whenever we sneak out and how you'd shiver

But don't you ever forgive me
Im self-centered
And selfish
Just A coward who needs all the above
Always welcomes the pity
But when Push comes to shove
The truest thing I can say is
When it comes to you im in love

Maybe I Hurt you
Maybe it was unfair
Maybe im still too weak
More so im unworthy

I've always been amazed at how a god
Could possibly know my name
Let alone speak it in her tounge

So i'll burn candles and photos just to rid my sight of you
Help me forget the feel of your eyes
you drive me out of my mind
And I know that I promised forever, but an eternity is just A concept of time
Unfortunately for me all Mine is dry and spent
So im left alone thinking of you and your love
wondering Where it all went

Darling I know im stupid and silly
Theres no need to call me so late
Just tell me you're hurting
And i'll run to your side
Just give my name a shout
Back to that bed we'd call home
Our love In comfort
But I guess this isnt really worth writing about
So Goodbye my love
I didnt mean for it to crash down on us
I walked out to early and missed my cue
Just know when I tell you
you're beautiful I only ever say that
For you

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