Open Roads

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Relinquish the blade you hold against your throat
The knife edge sharpened from harsh actions
Carried out by those who Deemed themselves worthy
They thought the ground they stood upon would never break
They dared to walk down a path that led only to their own selfish needs

Why you chose this path I do not know
Maybe because your heart walked with theirs
Possibly, but no
Maybe it was the only path left out for you
With no turn offs or parking spaces
A road that the others sped down chasing what they desired
Until eventually you crashed
Parallel parked on a one way road that wasn’t short enough for the toll they where willing to pay,
They all held the same selfish desire
Trading their own decency and humanity for gold
A traitorous deal with the devil that left you scarred and left for dead

Each time the road you traveled Down closed
A new one would open
Something you was always reluctant to travel down
Until eventually the familiarity no longer scared you,
But like all those before you the same foolish deal was made
Where only the drivers selfish needs where met

I understand that your scared, I’ll reassure you a thousand times
But I just need you to lend me that extra mile
So you can let me slow down
Take in the beautiful scenery that is you
And let you know that this time there is no dead end
Just an open road
That holds every possibility for the future
Theres no more deals to be made
No devils on my shoulder
Just an angel
One with whom I want to spend the rest of my life with

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