Love's Curfew

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Its Ten o'clock at night
Im walking home all alone
Cigarette in hand, taking my time
I think of your smile and compare it to the stars
I think of your eyes and compare it to the moon
Somehow it Makes me feel even More alone
Like my life has absence without those little things in it
And though I saw you not a single minute ago
I know on this cold walk home
Without you I am nothing, but alone

So the next time I see you
I'll give up my life for staying
Get down on bended knee
Hold out a shred of meaning
And promise to do my best
As long as you keep my secrets
As long as you say yes

But, you are trapped on a souless plain
Where the taunts of blood taint my love
Where the glass cage shuts when the sun goes down
I want to rescue you
But My wings are clipped
And you're too afraid of the fall

Do we all get scared when pushed so close to an edge
Should you go forth into the dark unkown
Or stay comfortably trapped within the glass cage we all grew up in
The rose I hold out to you won't ever wilt, but we Eventually will

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