The Storm

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When does wishful thinking become a myth?
A glimpse of hope bounded by your iris, the nebula of your conscience and your ecstasy.
Where nirvana becomes just an inclination, nothing special, nothing real.
The paralysis of any notion oppresses your very senses, where are you?
Step by step you inhale the haze, releasing a crystal clarity to your raptured entity...
Your perception is compromised as you vision your actions, your thoughts as they drip down to a mere puddle of your past self...have you laid your morals to rest? Are you happy now?

Won't you sit with with me? Won't you clutch my hand? Won't you allow the very oxygen we breath fashion into a feeling that is completely delusive? Will you still be here? When my very presence is manipulated and then matures into something unfamiliar, a sense where I can seize my mind, yet I'm aware my emotions don't really exist... will I still be here?

Eventually you imagine every emotion you have ever encountered, felt, wished for, despised and desired, grasp for your very senses , imperfections, vulnerability and every last inch of your body as you plead that this is the end
you're free.

Yet, the storm sets once again, you glance as the fog edges closer and closer swallowing your existence once more, the circuit is compete and you sit in silence, terrified in awe, alone, waiting for it to grab your throat, to begin a new life
you're no longer free.

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