Like A Jigsaw

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Did you ever noticed my ghosts?
The way they seized my breath, my last living breath as its ubiquitous presence filled my lungs with blood
Their commonness in my entity is only ready
They’re set in stone from the lava that poured my unstable decisions
But you?
You drank the blood from my lungs
Dried my drowning dreams and ghosts
My ghosts are there , but they’re dulling
Their malleable existence sparkles no brighter than a graphite ring that speaks more than a priceless painting made of oil and lead
I don’t want the blood in my lungs to poison your somewhat sanctioned rib cage, your simply safe white walled home caged in metal bars
However, you’ve take ahold of that spineless celled and plastered mess and used your body to staple, such as permanent slice of work back together before the events of my last piece of writing
I’ve never known anyone to do that
So with that, my ghosts are fading, my heart is mending and my entity is jigsawing with yours alone so I ask for nothing more than your clock, love and peace
Hammer the last nail into my sanity and walk with me through the graveyard of woods where my past spooks, my gift wrapped now because only you can open it

The uneven droplets please my senses 
An everlasting beauty unwraps the written stresses of my broken soul
My canvas has been wiped clean by passion 
My ruby pinched cheeks show my acidic soaked petal of emotions, a delicate body, one more drop from drowning
My chestnut eyes blacken with divided tears, some with love some with fear, but all my tears are for you and the infatuation I’ve always had and inevitably will
I’ve hurt many
I’ve ripped down red stones a burnt out life and I’ve every rose to show for it... my biggest complaint
Why when I hurt, no eyes glare?

Dreaming of a quaint bed, a faultless atmosphere that drys my eyes
From the headboard to the foot, from the duvet to the pillows, my port in the storm of my life lays, you quoth your love for me was forever
That’s all I needed to hear
Wrapped no longer in chains, but in something softer than romance itself, I’ve never prayed to a mythical God that this would last forever
A feeling of safety I lost and couldn’t find
The hades of my sanity are fading into a vortex inside my once broken heart, but you’ve now formed a new one, a new beating heart with blood as rich and pure as my love for you
Leaving my old one to burn in a chaos stoned chamber
This sounds cliche and common, but why crypt, such a madden and true feeling?

Might we start this endeavour with knitted details about our life?
An imprinted memory only worth locking away because it’s you, because it’s us?
No longer am I dreaming , yet living such a real life
Actions are being considered, ticking on what seems to be a limited clock
But why do you think that?
Why is the hand going to stop?
My faith exists
My worries are true
My love is rich
Because of you
When will you feel my warmth and faith in you and your life? Our life?
I cannot express my deepest desires to you enough
With your brokenness, with my brokenness
Why can’t we heal each other’s?
Because I’ve never had so much faith that it’s going to happen.... and that’s the truth
Maybe we’re so broken we fit perfectly... like my love for you was that missing jigsaw piece that made an appearance after years of being missing
Maybe it was you I missed
Maybe you complete the jigsaw of my life, a complicated picture that’s beautiful to observe, but takes years to mend
My picture may only be beautiful because of you, so allow me to do the same

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