Chapter 15

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"Sakura, what are you doing here?" Kakashi asked when he came to find his female student not assigned to this mission to be the one waiting at the Village Gates.

"I wanted to make sure Keiko didn't throw all of my hard work down the drain" She commented as her attention already drifted from him to down the road, peering over his shoulder to catch the first glimpse of Keiko. 

"Your hard work?" Kakashi asked. Now Kakashi wondered if Keiko not stopping by last night had less to do with her still being mad at him and more to do with whatever Sakura had done to least he hoped for the latter. 

Sakura didn't respond, too busy gasping and 'awing' at something behind him. He turned around to see what the big deal was, and there Keiko stood shyly, her eyes transfixed to the ground with an annoyed scowl on her face. But that wasn't why Kakashi couldn't take his eyes off her. For her 'undercover wardrobe', Sakura had finagled her into a dress and her normally straight hair had been done to. Having grown some since she first arrived in Konoha, it fell into soft waves just shy of her chin. 

Sakura rushed over before I could stop her and with a sparkly pink barrette, pinned back my hair where it parted and curled into my face. "There! Now you look absolutely adorable!" She squealed. 

"I'm a fucking ninja" I felt too flashy and out of place in this get up. I picked at the hem, like that would suddenly make the dress cover up more "I'm not supposed to be adorable goddammit" I grumbled.

"And yet saying that made you sound even more adorable" Sakura snickered and Kakashi smirked at the scowl I shot her when she said that.

"Come to think of it, I've never seen you in anything but nude-" My head snapped over to Kakashi bewildered, "-tones" My gaze narrowed on him. Scaring me with his jokes, tch. With my ninja outfit consisting of khaki and black, Sakura wasn't phased by his phrasing. 

"Well I think pink is Keiko's color. She should wear it more often." 

"Well, you know what I think-" I started to retort.

"She's right. You look beautiful" 

I froze, mouth ajar and voice cut silent from his comment. "Ummm," I blushed and gazed down at the dress I was wearing, suddenly looking at it in a different light, all because Kakashi likes it. Thinks I look beautiful in it

"See, Keiko. He's a guy and even he knows what I'm talking about." 

Too busy continuing to boast about her great accomplishment in getting me in a dress, Sakura was oblivious to the soft stare between Kakashi and I "Thanks, Kakashi-sensei" He smiled softly from under his mask and I smiled back. 

Then his gaze flickered to Sakura in the corner of his vision and he cleared his throat to get her attention. "It's time to start our travel" He told her as his goodbye and he headed off. 

I trailed just a couple steps behind him when we first exited the gates. Once we were out of sight from anyone in the village and within the tree line, I quickly took step next to him. "You're looking pretty good yourself" I commented, finally noticing his own change in attire. His outfit no longer screamed 'ninja!' and was a bit more 'bodyguard' like formal. Dark gray slacks and gray jacket with the inner pockets lined with some of his ninja gear like shurikens. And, Kakashi being Kakashi, traded out the button up for a black turtle neck that covered his face like his usual mask did. 

After that, we easily picked up making small talk as we traveled. It was as if we were back in his apartment, just chitchatting the hour away in his bed. Kakashi did not make an attempt to ask about what happened to me again or bring up the dispute, which I was thankful for; so I decided to leave my anger over it behind in Konoha and enjoy this time together. 

The Sordid Tangles of Life-A Kakashi x Student OC StoryWhere stories live. Discover now