Chapter 29

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After I initially hurt my leg, Kakashi insisted I wait the full 4 weeks before even considering training again. He was taking the 'no strenuous activity' policy seriously, and it's not so easy to sneak passed and train as I like when you share a bed. 

At the same time, Sakura resumed her medical nin training with Hokage Tsunade. So, with both Sakura and I out of Team Kakashi training and missions for the time being, Kakashi and Yamato were working together to help Naruto hone his chakra control in a very big way. 

A/N: This is where my story blends back in with part of the shows story line. You'll see why. 

And in the end all of that meant one thing for me-boredom. 

The doctor also said I needed keep the muscle moving and stretch That was the loophole thought that brought me to the field this morning. I was bored and had nothing to do, so I decided to check out what Kakashi, Yamato and Naruto were up to with his training. I also may have dazed off into a few daydreams about being back in the action and training myself. 

The sky grew dark, so I got up from my cozy spot in the grass before it became wet and muddy. Luckily I had heard the forecast for rain before I left and grabbed my umbrella. 

"Keiko." I looked over to see Sakura had gotten the same idea as me. I lifted my umbrella and she sidled in next to me to share coverage. 

"So, how's Naruto's training?" she asked

"Learning to add a change in chakra nature to the rasengan is harder than he thought. 

"Mastering difficult skills has never been Naruto's strong suit." She commented.

"Well, that's why Kakashi-sensei is having him learn the technique through action, right? I know I haven't been part of your Team for long, but from what I've seen, Naruto's always been better with hands-on."

"Yeah, training only Naruto can do. They can double the amount of training he gets by using two clones, and he's using two hundred."  

"Of course he can. Naruto might like to act the fool, but Kakashi and Yamato dedicating themselves to help him master this...the only fool will be the Akatsuki member that dares stand in his way."

Sakura let out a short wry chuckle. "You're right. Since the academy, he's been the epitome of  a bird-brained goof, and yet he's saved us more times than I can event count. Everytime someone expects him to fail, he proves them wrong. That's who Naruto Uzumaki is."

"So..." I glanced down at the napkin covered basket in her hands, "has he had one of your mud balls yet?" I chuckled, remembering the  'I don't think I'll ever eat again' look on Kakashi's face when he came home after eating one. 

"What do you mean by mudballs?!" She hollered and I had to stifle a snicker. "I just value their effectiveness over taste! And just wait, you'll be healed soon enough and needing one of my 'mud balls' to catch up on all your training." Sakura got so caught up ranting, she didn't even notice me hand off my umbrella to  her. A nice quiet walk home was sounding good right about now. 

"And yet, today is not that day" I gave Sakura a cheesy grin before making an exit through the trees. 

"Sakura" Kakashi said, now suddenly right behind her. She jumped, not having heard his approach. Sakura turned to face him and he just watched her with a disapproving raised brow stare that she'd let her guard down. 

"Yes, Kakashi-sensei? Do you need another mud ball?" She asked expectantly, lifting her basket for him to grab one. 

"No!" He shouted a little too loudly at first, making Sakura's expression sour. "I, not right now. I actually wanted your help with something." 

The Sordid Tangles of Life-A Kakashi x Student OC StoryWhere stories live. Discover now