Chapter 47

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"Keiko Hatake, not awake before the alarm. I never thought I'd see the day." Kakashi chuckled as he watched his wife continuing to sleep soundly. She's always awake an hour or so before him, never after.

I just barely caught whatever Kakashi was muttering poking through my dreams. I grumbled and rolled away from the noise. Kakashi chuckled as I burrowed deeper into the blankets, hiding my ears from the noise and eyes from the light.

Kakashi chuckled with a shake of his head. Kaori was back in school now-her first month at the ninja academy, so he wasn't worried about her being awake because she'd be taking care of Kaori for the day. The more he thought about it, he decided his wife deserved a morning off.

Kakashi leaned over the bed and managed to pull the cover down from her grasp enough to kiss her cheek. Then he reset her alarm to make sure she was at least up for their doctor's appointment today with Sakura.

Kakashi grinned widely at the little girl waiting for him in the kitchen. Without her mother to help her this morning, she excitedly chose her own 'ninja' outfit to where to the academy today.

She put on her white stockings like knee-length ninja leggings and a purple tutu like skirt over black shorts that we're detailed with glittery flowers. To top it off, she cut the sleeves off of an old white hoodie-to make herself look tough-and painted the Hatake clan symbol in the corner of the front pocket. Destroying her clothes would be a conversation for later, but right now it was too cute of a sight.

"Where's mommy?" She wondered, waiting for her to walk her to the academy. She had accelerated quite quickly in learning how to speak and not having to depend on signing so much.

"I told mommy to stay in bed, because I wanted to walk you today" he beamed at her and she smiled excitedly back at him.


Two weeks after the insemination, the doctor confirmed Sakura was pregnant. And, as far as Kakashi and Keiko were aware, the baby was 100% theirs. In Sakura's defense or not telling them-it was still a 50/50 chance it was theirs. so why upset them now when it might not be necessary?She just hoped the baby wasn't born bald. Things would be so much easier if it came out with a full head of silver, black or white hair.

Sakura sat in the waiting room, as these thoughts rolled around her head while waiting for her name to be called. It was the end of the first trimester and her and Keiko had an appointment for an ultrasound. Keiko was supposed to meet her coming into the doctor's office half an hour ago. The lack of her presence made all the possibilities run round and round in her head. The possibilities of how Keiko could have found out her dirty little secret. The nurse called her back into a room. She waited another half hour before the doctor came in for the appointment. Still no Keiko. But the appointment still carried on anyway. He did his tests and performed the ultrasound.

When he played the heartbeat for Sakura, her own heart felt torn. Until that moment, she had only hoped for a healthy baby for Keiko and Kakashi. But now that she knew there was a chance it was hers and Sasuke's...she bit her lip, not sure who she should allow herself to rejoice for at that moment. 

"Did you want to know the sex of the baby?" He asked her. Her eyes lit up at the thought. Then she looked over to the empty space next to her where Keiko should have been. Again, the voice in the back of her head reminded her this may be Keiko's baby. She didn't feel right knowing without her here, so she shook her head.

The Sordid Tangles of Life-A Kakashi x Student OC StoryWhere stories live. Discover now