Chapter 24

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Author's Note: I should be updating the next chapter for 'Triple the Desire', but I read your comments and couldn't leave you hanging! Got this out as soon as I could. I'm also going to publish a small pole after this. Check it out and give me your opinion. It is related to this story.

That's not real...all those things they's not real!

I ran through the streets of Āto, dodging bumping into people as I made my way to the music hall. I just needed to get there and then I'd be fine. I'd find my Father rehearsing with the musicians and have a good laugh over how silly I was for getting so scared...because he's not dead...and I'll certainly feel so silly when I see him...

I turned the corner blindly and nearly knocked someone over "I'm so sorry!" I shouted over my shoulder, too focused on getting  to the Hall to stop. 

One more turn and the Hall was finally in my sights. In the distance I noticed a change to the building that finally had me slowing down. In place of the old sign that just said 'Music Hall', there was now a large plaque that titled it 'Tsuno Hall'. I tilted my head curiously, wondering when that happened. We passed the Hall on our way to the Inn last night, and it was still just the 'Music Hall'.

I finally reached the entrance and noticed another smaller plaque to the left of the door. As I read what was printed on it, my heart sank into my stomach for the second time that day.

*-Kakashi's POV-*

'How in the hell did this all go so wrong? I should have noticed the umbrella and stopped Akita last night!' I argued with myself after seeing the fear on Keiko's face before she ran out the door. "Stop!" I yelled as Sakura and Naruto instantly made to run after her. "With the state she is in, it is not going to help if we all bombard her again. She needs-"

"-you" Akita cut me off. "Just you should go after her, Kakashi"

"Why Kakashi? She did give me a nickname." Naruto interjected. "I think she finally likes me! Maybe I'd be good to get her"

"Naruto" Sakura sighed, "Keiko likes you, she just...has a hard time showing it. Especially when you make it your mission to hug her when you know she doesn't like it" Sakura wasn't trying to bring up the elephant in the room, but when she said that they all grew silent. 

Naruto hung his head, now feeling guilty for never listening to Keiko when she said she didn't like to be touched. He just always assumed it was some weird pet peeve, and he was just so excited thinking he could be the friend to get her to warm up...he never imagined it stemmed from fear after someone inappropriately touched her...for a month...and she was only thirteen...

Naruto's hands clenched into fists when that final thought crossed his mind. Kakashi and Sakura could guess what he was thinking about as they both felt the swell in his chakra from the drastic rise of his anger. 

But if anyone should be livid and expressing their anger, it should be me. I would give anything to find the man who took Keiko and punch a hole in his face like I was ready to do to the wall...but I couldn't...I had to stay level headed enough to keep my students level headed. 

"Naruto, you need to calm down. Whatever it is that happened to Keiko is a....travesty, but right now we need to be there for her and help her get back to who she is...losing yourself in anger will not help that."

"And as I said, you should go after Keiko-alone." Akita reminded. "I don't know why, but before this morning, I noticed Keiko only truly relax when she was near you. I know she doesn't remember you now, but maybe it will count for something in all this mess. Naruto and Sakura, stay here with me until he returns with her." 

The Sordid Tangles of Life-A Kakashi x Student OC StoryWhere stories live. Discover now