Chapter 42

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A/N: If you haven't seen the post on my page, this is just an update. I just started working two jobs, so this is a heads up that I won't be getting out as many chapters in one week. sunday-monday were my first days transitioning into both and I was awake 30 hours...and then I was asleep for like 10 hours lol. I'm hoping at least one chapter a week. Now onto the story!

"I have you all for the day? Now I'm the lucky one" I smiled after Kakashi reminded me it was his day off.

He leaned in against my back and wrapped his arms around me. I continued to focus on the stove as he rested his chin on atop my head and took in a deep breath of my kiwi blossom fresh shampoo.

"What's Kaori doing?" I could feel his head nod against mine towards the living room.

I looked across the room, seeing her kneeling next to Boruto who was back  at his mat on the floor. He had rolled onto his back and played with his toes while she signed to him like she did yesterday. From what I could see, she was describing what she had dreamt last night.

"I think she feels connected to them because of how he's like her-" Kakashi's chin lifted from my head and he looked down at me confused, "-he can't talk to express himself."

"And the signing?"

"He seems to find it entertaining, and she likes his attention."

"Right..." He mumbled as he continued to watch the two interact. Kenta sat next to Kaori. Every other  sign, he'd lean back on his haunches and raise his paws as if he was also signing. "I think it's time for phase 2."

Kakashi let go of me and went over to the two in the living room. He knelt down next to Kaori, leaning over her shoulder to look at Boruto's reaction to her attention. His eyes closed briefly as the dimples in his smile upturned his chubby cheeks. When they reopened, Boruto cast his blue gaze on Kakashi when his head poked up and Kaori looked up behind her. Kakashi beamed at her with a closed eye grin. "Good morning."

"Morning Daddy"

"Are you and Kenta ready?"


"The next step to make Kenta a ninja hound"

"He is not already ready?"

"You have done a great job, but he is not ready yet."

"What do I do?"

I noticed from the kitchen Boruto's face start to scrunch up as his head bobbed back and forth between eying Kakashi and Kaori; neither of which had eyes on him anymore. He was starting to miss the attention.

The food was fine for now, so I stepped away to scoop him up. "Don't worry Boruto, I've got more than enough attention for you." I cooed. He smiled and reached up for me on the ground.

My presence had gotten Kaori's attention and she saw Boruto's pouting face just before I picked him up. "He was crying?" She looked upset that she had been so close, but hadn't noticed her little friend become so upset.

"He is okay Kaori. He just wants attention. Like a puppy." Kenta barked at Kakashi for that statement. "But, if that upsets you, this training should help."


We wanted the training to work. To help Kaori hear...but if it didn't work...we also didn't want to get her hopes up. "Start the training and you will see"

Kakashi got up and grabbed a couple of Boruto's plastic toy balls. Then he sat back down next to Kaori, cupped her hands palm up in front of her, then dropped the ball inside her hands.

The Sordid Tangles of Life-A Kakashi x Student OC StoryWhere stories live. Discover now