Chapter 28

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"Of all the rotten luck" I grumbled in annoyance. I shifted on the bed, trying to get comfortable, but I had a feeling I wasn't going to find such a position now wearing this dreaded contraption. I flexed my leg, but it only bent so far with this metal brace that encapsulated my knee, only allowing so much movement.

Lets list all the cool ways I could have gotten hurt:
-During a high rank mission while defending a client
-A no holds barred sparring match with the taijutsu master Rock Lee

So the list isn't actually that long, but even a sex injury would have been better than what really happened. Getting knocked over by an over-zealous Naruto shadow clone who lost his handle on the rasengan it was practicing. Rather than dissipating in his hand, he was thrown back by the power of it-like a child trying to handle a shotgun. 

I was practicing my cloud wisp technique with Kakashi to hone my senses. While my conscious floated around, he was to approach my body at random intervals. The training was to get better at sensing him and getting my consciousness back into my body to defend myself before he could attack me. 

I thought I was sensing his presence and jumped to defend myself before Kakashi reached me. Turns out the only thing I sensed was Naruto being shot like a torpedo. Naruto's body was thrown backwards and hurtled into the back of my legs as I was facing away from him. This resulted in a very ungraceful flip and when I landed I hyper-extended my knee. 

There was a knock on the hospital room door, then it opened with Kakashi in the doorway. Sakura and Naruto entered in tow behind him now that the nurse cleared me. "How does it feel?" Kakashi asked worriedly. 

I attempted to stretch my leg, but the contraption only let me move a couple inches in either direction. Even with the restriction, it still made me wince. "Like Naruto owes me ramen and barbecue beef for the next month." I groaned. 

Naruto gulped and visibly sweat dropped. "My wallet's going to be hyper-extended." He grumbled. 

"What was that?" I asked 'innocently', pretending I didn't hear his little joke; but I must admit, it made me want to snicker.

" Oh, that was nothing" He waved his hand in the air like he was 'shooing' away the topic, then dropped his hand to tug at his collar nervously. 

"Right, well you can hang out in here as long as you'd like, but I-" I swung my legs over the edge of the bed. I winced in pain as I set my feet on the ground, "-am going back to training."

"Back to training? Are you crazy?" Sakura repeated in shock. 

"I can still train on honing my senses as long as I don't react to Kakashi's approach. Although I do request this one stays on the other side of the training grounds." I gave Naruto a playful glare which he returned, adding in sticking his tongue out. 

"How about you actually give your leg a day to rest up before we continue honing any skills" Kakashi suggested.


"I've already called an end to training, so you'd be the only one out there anyway" He added before I could argue. "Now come on," Kakashi came over to the bed and cupped my forearm to help me balance as I pushed off the bed, "you're going home, and I clearly need to help you." He added the last bit with a chuckle as the brace jammed up for a moment and I limped into his side. I gave him a little glare at his chuckle.

"Yeah, yeah alright." I mumbled as he straightened me up. 


"Are you sure you don't want any help?" Kakashi asked, bemused as he watched me stubbornly concur the steps up to my apartment.

Man, I really wished this place had an elevator "No, I'm fine." I assured as I waved him off like it was nothing. I grasped the hand rail, leaning against it as I awkwardly swooped my leg to get it up the next step. The limited range of motion in my leg truly sucked.

I must have stepped down wrong and now held to the rail desperately to keep all of my weight of that leg.

"Keiko, I'm going to help you." He quickly changed his tune, too worried to give me the option anymore.

"No, no, no." I held my hand out to try and hold him back if he tried to pick me up. "If I have to wear this thing for a month, I need to get used to this." I tried to argue.

"Like you said, you have a month. And one day of rest won't kill you." He responded, then scooped me up before I could continue arguing.

"Kakashi," I squirmed nervously in his grip. I looked around his shoulder to see if anyone was near us, "what are you doing? You can't hold me like this outside"

"Like what? All I see is a Sensei helping his student after a rough day of training." He sounded monotone and formal when he said it, but I still caught the smirk under his mouth.

"Right. Of course. That was silly of me...Sensei" I did not hold back, all signs of flirtation evident when I called him 'Sensei'. I bit my lip for added effect and when he saw it he looked down

The Sordid Tangles of Life-A Kakashi x Student OC StoryWhere stories live. Discover now